Heirs within age, and that have been in ward, ſhall have their inheritance, when they come at age, without paying relief or making fine.
The guardian of an heir’s land ſhall take the reaſonable iſſues, cuſtoms, and ſervices, without the deſtruction or waſte of his men or goods. And if ſuch guardian make deſtruction and waſte, he ſhall loſe the wardſhip, and the guardian ſhall keep in repair the houſes, parks, ponds, pools, mills, and other appurtenances to the eſtate, out of the profits of the land: and ſhall take care that the heirs be married without diſparagement, and by the advice of their dear kindred.
That a widow ſhall give nothing for her dower or marriage after the death of her huſband, but ſhall be ſuffered to dwell in her huſband’s houſe ninety days after his death; within which time her dower ſhall be aſſigned her, and ſhe ſhall immediately have her marriage and her inheritance. The King nor his bailiff ſhall not ſeize any land for debt, if the debtor’s goods be ſufficient; nor ſhall the debtor’s ſureties be diſtrained upon, when the debtor himſelf is able to pay the debt. But if the debtor fail of payment, the