ſureties, if they will, may have the debtor’s lands till the debt be fully ſatisfied, unleſs the principal debtor can ſhew that he is quit againſt his ſureties.
The King ſhall not allow any baron to take aid of his free tenants, but for the redemption of his perſon, for the making his eldeſt ſon a knight, and towards the marriage of his eldeſt daughter once; and hereunto he ſhall have but a reaſonable aid.
That none ſhall do more ſervice for a knight’s fee, than is due for the ſame. That common pleas ſhall not follow the King’s court, but ſhall be holden in ſome certain place: and that recognitions be taken in their proper counties, and after this manner, viz. That the King ſhall ſend two juſtices four times a year, who, together with four knights of the ſame ſhire, choſen by the ſhire, ſhall take aſſizes of novel diſſeiſin, mordanceſter, and darrein preſentment: nor ſhall any be ſummoned hereunto, but the jurors and the two parties.
That a freeman ſhall be amerced for a ſmall fault after the manner of the fault, and for a great fault according to the greatneſs of the fault,