ſaving his contentment. A villain alſo ſhall be amerced ſaving his wainage, and in like manner a merchant ſaving his merchandize, by the oath of good men of the vicinage; that a clerk ſhall be amerced according to his lay-fee in manner aforeſaid, and not according to his eccleſiaſtical benefice.
That no town be amerced for not making bridges nor banks, but where they have been of old time, and of right ought to be.
That the meaſure of wine, of corn, and the breadth of cloth, and the like, be rectified, and ſo of weights.
That aſſizes of novel diſſeiſin and mordanceſter be abbreviated, and ſo of other aſſizes.
That no ſheriff ſhall intermeddle with pleas of the crown without the coroners; and that counties and hundreds ſhall be at the antient farms without any increaſe, except the King’s own demeſne manors.