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Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/207

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cage, of fee-farm; nor ought the King to have the cuſtody of ſuch burgage, ſoccage, or fee-farm: and no freeman ſhall loſe his degree of knighthood by reaſon of petty ſerjeanties, as when a man holds lands, rendering therefore a knife, an arrow, or the like.

No bailiff ſhall put any man to his law upon his own bare ſaying, without faithful witneſſes.

That the body of freeman be not taken, or impriſoned, nor that he be diſſeized, nor outlawed, nor exiled, nor any way deſtroyed.

Nor that the King paſs upon him, or impriſon him by force, but only by the judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land.

That right be not ſold, nor delayed, nor denied.

That merchants have liberty to go and come ſafely to buy and ſell, without any manner of evil tolls, by the old and lawful cuſtoms.
