And that the King put away the foreign ſoldiers, ſtipendiaries, ſlingers, and troopers and their ſervants, who came with horſes and arms to the nuiſance of the realm.
That the King make juſticiaries, conſtables, ſheriffs and bailiffs, of men that know the law of the land, and will cauſe it to be well obſerved.
That barons who have founded abbies, for which they have charters of Kings, or antient tenures, ſhall have the cuſtody of them when they are vacant.
If the King has diſſeized the Welchmen, or eſloined them from lands or liberties, or of other things in England or Wales, let them preſently be reſtored to them without plea; and if they have been diſſeized or eſloined from their Engliſh tenements by the King’s father or his brother, without the judgment of their peers, the King ſhall without delay do them juſtice, as he does juſtice to Engliſhmen of their Engliſh tenements according to the law of England, and of Welch tenements according to the law of Wales, and of tenements in the marches according to the