law of the marches. In like manner the Welchmen ſhall do to the King and his ſubjects.
That the King reſtore Lewelin’s ſon, and all the Welch hoſtages, and the deeds that were delivered to him for the ſecurity of the peace.
That the King do right to the King of Scotland, concerning reſtoring of hoſtages, and his liberties and right, according to the form of the agreement with his barons of England, unleſs it ought to be otherwiſe by virtue of ſome deeds which the King has, by the judgment of the archbiſhop and others, whom he ſhall think fit to call to him.
That all foreſts that have been afforeſted by the King in his own time, be diſafforeſted; and ſo of banks, which by the King himſelf have been put in defence.
All theſe cuſtoms and liberties which the King has granted to the kingdom, to hold and keep for his own part towards his men, all clerks and laymen of the kingdom ſhall obſerve and keep their parts towards their men.