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Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/249

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Neither ourſelves nor our bailiffs ſhall take another man’s wood for our caſtles, or other occaſions, but by his leave whoſe wood it is.

We will hold the lands of ſuch as ſhall be convicted of felony but a year and a day, and then we will reſtore them to the lords of the fees.

All wears ſhall, for this time forward, be wholly taken away in Thames and Medway, and throughout all England, except upon the ſea-coaſt.

The writ called Precipe henceforth ſhall be made to none out of any tenement, whereby a freeman may loſe his court.

One meaſure of wine ſhall be uſed throughout our kingdom, and one meaſure of ale, and one meaſure of corn, to wit, the London quart. and there ſhall be one breadth of dyed cloths, ruſſets, and haubergets, to wit, two ells within the liſts:
