Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/612

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596 AUXERRE CATHEDRAL nSTDEX. BECKET. Auxerre Cathedral, clievet and lady- chapel of, i, 548, 549. Avallon, i, 497. Avebury, ii, 121. Avignon, cathedral at, i, 4.53. Porch, 4.j3. St. Paul aux Trois Chateaux, 457, 458. Palace of the popes, 587. Avila, church of San Vicente, ii, 2.55. Western porch, 256. Axum, obelisks at, i, 142. Azhar, mosque of, ii, 406. Date and character, 512. Minarets, 513. Aztecs and Toltecs, early inhabitants of Mexico, ii, 563 -.565. Inference from their architectural remains, 569. See Mexico. Baalbec. magnitude of the stones used at, i, 19, 314. Frieze there, 301. Remains of the great temple, 314. Plan, eleva- tion, etc., of the smallei- temple. 314. Babouda, Syria, chapel at, ii, 42(i. Babylon, palaces of, materials of their construction, etc., i, 161, 188. Bacharach, St. Werner's chapel at, ii. 78. Bagdad, ii, 510, .528. Materials of its buildings, 548. Absence of remains : its ancient splendor, 548. Tombs of Zobeide, 549. Bahram fJaur, fourteenth Sassanian king, i, 381. Balbina, S., basilican church, Rome, its date, i, 4U9. Baldwin of Constantinople, building founded by, i, 601. Ballyromney Court, Cork, Irish man sion. ii, 240, 241. Bamberg, Church of St. Jacob at, ii, 31. Cathedral, 75. Baptisteries, i, 407, of Constantine and his daughter, 431. Nocera dei Pagani. 434. St!"John. Ravenna, 434. Florence, 437. Aix;Riez, 462. Bonn, Ratisbon, and Cobern, ii, 41-43. Meissen, 81. Asti, 300. ISTovara, 302. Parma, 350. Mont St. Angelo, 396. Baquoza, Syria, Byzantine church at, ii, 422. Barbarossa's palace, Gelnhausen, ii, 46. Barbary, ii, 500. Examples of its archi- tecture, 520. Barcelona, church of San Pablo, ii, 246, 247. Plan and detail, 248. Cathedral, plan and dimensions, 267. Churches of SS. Maria del Mar and del Pi. 268. Bari, ii, 368. Cathedral, 376. Plan, 376, East end, 377. Defects in the towers, 387. Dome, 395. Church of San Nicolo, 379, view of, 380. Barkook, Sultan, mosque and tomb of, ii, 513, 518. Barletta, ii, .379. Barry, Edward, restored cross by, ii, 194, note. Bartolomeo S., in Isola, basilican church, Rome, its date, i, 410. Basilicas, importance attached by the Romans to, i, 316. Trajan's, its plan, dimensions, arrangement, etc.. 316- 318. Difference between it and that of Maxentius. 318. Plan, particu- lars, etc., of the latter, 319, 320. Con- struction of the roofs, 320. Provincial basilicas: Treves, Pompeii, Otricoli, 321, 322. Origin and peculiar applica- bility for Christian uses of these build- ings, 323. Christian basilicas in the Romanesque style: Preliminary ob- servations, 400-404. African ex- amples, 404, 405. jNfodifications intro- duced by Christian usages, 407. Choirs and crypts: the atrium and the nar- thex. 407-409. Chronological list of basilicas in Rome, 409. 410. Peculi- arities of the more important ones, 410-421. Mosaic pavements, 421. Ravenna, Parenzo, Torcello, 422-428. Causes of Byzantine, Lombardic, and Gothic varieties, 427. Distinction be- tween the basilica and the church, 429, 430. German examples, ii, 5 et seq. Use made of the apse, 172. Absence of basilicas in Ireland, 229. Exam- ples in Bethlehem, .Jerusalem, Tlies- salonica, Syria, and Asia Minor. 418- 428. Basle Cathedral, doorway of, ii, 35. Its one defect, 36. Bassffi, Ionic column at, i, 255. Basse CEuvre, Beauvais, plan and sec- tion, i, .507. Exterior and interior, 508. Probable date, 509. See ii, 127. Batalha, church of, ii, 288. Its circular tomb-house, 289. Baths of the Romans, i, 331-334. Of the Moors in Spain, ii, .535. Battlements, Jerpoint Abbey, ii, 239. Bavarian church architecture, ii, 75, 76. Bayazid, mosque of, ii, .539. Bayeux Cathedral, i. 520. Nave and spandrils 520. Spires, 579. Bays in French Cathedrals: Angouleme, i'. 470. Fontevrault, 486. Caen, 518. Their object and arrangement, 569. Exeter and Westminster, ii, 1.54. Kirkwall, 206. Spain: Leon and Burgos, 266. Italy: Verona, 326. Eucca, 327. Bazas Cathedral: plan, i, 551. Descrip- tion, .553. Beaune, Roman column at Cussi, near, i, 341. Beauty in Art, i. 5. Beauvais Cathedral, choir of, i, 18. The Basse CEuvre, 507. Wooden-roofed churches, .509. Date of the cathedral, 544. Casualties due to constructive faults, lesson taught by its extrava- gances, .545, .546. Becket, Thomas a, his asylum, i, 557. Becket's Norwegian counterpart croAvn, Canterbury, ii, 103 note, 128.