610 LOUVAIN. INDEX. MART. Louvain, town-hall at, i, 14. Its date and character, 603. Church of St. Pierre, intended design, etc., 597, ii, 79 note. Cloth-halK 605. Lubeck, brick-built cathedral and churches of SS. Mary and Catherine at. Plans, view, etc., ii, 90-93. Town- hall, 96. Lucca, ii, 297, 317, 320, -321. Bays of San Martino. 327. Facade, 374. San Michele, 374. Lund, Sweden, cathedral at, ii, 100. Luneburg, brick architecture of, ii, 93. Luther's shelter, ii, 46. Luxor, temple of, i, 121. Obelisk, 1.30. Luxueil. i, 497. Lycia and its tombs, i, 224-230, 351. See ii, 430. Lycurgus, i, 233. Effect of his laws, 241. Lydda, Gothic church at, ii, 412. Lydia, i, 220. Lyons, church of Ainay at, i, 497. Style of the cathedral, .551, 552. Lysicrates, choragic monument of, its character as a work of art, i, 26, 247, 256. Dimensions and elevation, 270. Mabillon, plan foiuid and published by, ii, 5. Machpelah, cave of, i, 284, 351. Madeleine, Paris, i, 20. Madelaine, Jer- usalem, ii, 411. Madracen, tomb, view of, i. 361. Madrissa, the, .see Ispahan. Maestricht: St. Servin's, i, 593. Notre Dame, 593. Magdeburg, model of church built by Otho the Great at, ii, 39. Form and arrangements of the cathedral, 54. Nave and side-aisles, 76. Maguelone, fortified church at, i, 460, 495. Mahomed Khodabendah, city founded by, ii, 5.53. Splendid tomb erected by him, 554, .5.55. Mahomet, first mosque of, ii, 499, 501. His intention relative to the temple of Jerusalem, 503. Mahomet II., number and splendor of tlie mosques of, ii, -538. Mahometanism, result of the outburst and cause of the success of. ii, 498- 500. Expulsion of its followers from Spain, 537. Their habit regarding the architecture of conquered peoples, 538. Maison Carree, Nimes, i, 301. Descrip- tion, plan, etc., 307, 404. Malines, church of St. Rombaut at, i, 595. Chief points of interest, .597. Mallay, M., on the churches in Puy de Dome, i, 491, 494. Mannneisi, purpose of Egyptian temples so called, i, 126. Manchester warehouse architecture, i, 48. Manco Capac's house, Cuzco, ii, 584. Manetho, dynastic chronology of Egypt, by, i, 88. Fragment preserved by Josephus, 90, 91. On the Labyrinth, 108. On the Shepherd kings, 112. Confirmation of his list of kings, 124. Manresa, collegiate church at, ii, 268. Interior view, 269. Mantua, ii, 293. Campanile of S. An- drea, 353, 354. Maplestead, Essex, Eoimd church at, ii, 181,409. Marburg, church of S. Elizabeth at;, Plan, section, etc., ii, .56. West front, 56. Apse, 69. Marcus Aurelius, pillar of victory of, i. 341. Margaret of Austria, sepulchral church, erected by, i, 561. Maria, S., clegli Angeli, Rome, 1, 3.32. Maria, S.,di Ara Coell, basilican church., date of, i, 410. Maria, S., in Capitolio triapsal church,. Cologne, ii, 23. Maria, S., in Cosmedin, basilican church, Rome, i, 409, 420. Tower: Dimen- sions, ii, 316. Elevation, 316. Maria, S., in Dominica, basilican churchy Rome, date of, i, 410. Maria, S., Florence, dimensions of, i, 24. .S'ce Florence. Maria, S., Maggiore, basilican chinch, Rome, date of, i, 409. Plan, 416. In- terior view, propoitions, etc., 417. Modern alterations, 418. Maria, S., sopra Minerva, basilican church, Rome, date of, i, 410. Its style, ibid. Maria, S., in Trastevere, basilican; church, date of, i, 410. Maria, S., Rotunda, see Theodoric. Marie, S., de TEpine, west front of, i, 558. Its English prototype, 558. Lan- tern, 579. Mariciiburg, brick schloss at, ii, 96, 97. Marictte, M.. Egyptian Explorations of,, i, 90, 99 riote,'~102 note, 112. Markham, Mr., on Peruvian architec- ture, ii, 583. jMark's. S.. Venice. (See Venice. IMarmoutier, chm-ch of, ii, 31. View, 31. Marryat's Works on Sweden, Jutland, etc!. Illustrations from, ii, 100 et seq Mars Ultor, temple of, i, 306, 404. Marseilles, early colonists of, i, 351, ii,. 405. Marshall, Bishop, tomb of, at Exeter, ii, 188. 191. Martin, S., triapsal church, Cologne, ii, 24, 25. Martino, S., in Cielo d'Oro, Ravenna, i,. 424. Martino, S., ai Monti, basilican church, Rome, date of. i, 401. Maiy, S., Redcliffe, a French prototype, of, i, 558.