Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/638

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622 TRIUMPHAL ARCHES. INDEX. VIENNA. Triumphal arches, Roman, i, 335-340. Objectionable features in them, 340. Troitzka, near Moscow, monastery at, ii. 488. Its doorway, 490. Troja Cathedral, ii. 374. Fa9ade, 376. Its bronze doors, 383. Trondhjem, Norway, cathedral and church of »St. Clement at, ii, 101. Plan view, etc., ii, 102, 103, 203. Troy, i, 220. Tumuli or mounds on the Plain, 222, 239. Consequence of the great war, 241, 281. Troyes Cathedral, arrangement and plan, i. .549. AVest front, .550. Church of St. Urban, 557. Its perfection, -5.58. Rood-screen of the , Madelaine, 582, 583, ii, 81. Trunch Church, Norfolk, roof of, n, 183. Tudor style, epoch of the, ii, 123. The three royal chapels, 123, 177-J81. .See 203. Tunudi in Asia Minor, i, 221. Attempts tc discriminate their epochs, 222. Etruscan examples, 28()-290. Tunis, bigotry of the people of, ii, 520. Minaret, 520, 521. Turanian races, age typified by the, i. 55. Chief feature in their history, 57. Ancient and modern types, 57, .58. Character of their deities and religious worship, 58, 59. Government, 59. Morals, 60. Limited nature of their literature, 60. Excellence attained by them in die arts, 61-63. Only science cultivated by them. 63. Their pro- ficiency as builders and irrigators, 63. Points of comparison or contrast be- tween them and other races, 63-70, 75, 81, 279, 281. Their reverence for the dead, 186, 286. Turin, Palazzo delle Torre at, i, 440. Turkestan, ii, 561. Turkey, its architecture and its people See Constantinople, Mahometanism. Tuscany, architecture of, ii, 372. Tusculum, Etruscan arch at, i, 290. Tyre and Sidon, non-existence of re- mains of, i, 209, ii, 244. Tzarkoe-Selo, wooden church near, ii, 487. ITIm Cathedral, its merits and defects, ii, 69. Sacraments " Hauslein," 82. Ulpian, or Trajan's basilica, i, 316. Um Rasas tower, ii, 233 note. Unifoiniity in architecture, i, 39. Prin- ciple followed by the Greeks, 40. Upsala, cathedral at, ii, 99. Its French designer, 100. Urnes, Norway, wooden church at, ii, 117. View, 118. Usunlar, Armenia, Byzantine church at, ii, 466. Utrecht, church of, i, 608. Uxmal, Central America, Casas de las Monjas at, ii, 576. Plan, .577. One of its chambers, 578. Vaison, pointed arches at, i, 448, ii, 405. Churches, i, 456. Valence, Aymer de, tomb of, ii, 192. Valence, church at, i, 461. Valencia Cathedral, ii, 270. Its cim- borio, 272. Doorway from the Abla- la, 282. The Casa Longa, 285. Valentia, Lord, measurement of obe- lisk of Axuni by, i, 143. Vardzie, excavations at, ii, 480. Varro's description of Porsenna'stomb, i. 289. Varzaham, Byzantine tomb at, ii, 473. Vaults in Roman roofs, i, 320, 321. In Gothic roofs, 428, 434, 448, 449. At Issoire, 492. Toiu-nus, 499. Stone vaults, when first attempted, 509. Intersecting vaulting, 515-.518, 571. Ribbed vaulting, 525. French system, 571-573. English system and exam- ples, ii, 139-151. Early Italian (Fri- uli), 298. Byzantine, 438. Sassanian, Venice: St. Mark's, i, 449, 468. Style of which it is a typical example, ii, 368. Plan, 390. Section, 391. Di- mensions and particulars, 392. View, 393. Its tower or campanile, 317, 318, 531, Piazza, 5.55 note. Churches: San (iiovanni e Paolo, and the Frari, 345. San Giorgio, 348 note. Civil and domestic examples, 362. The Doge's palace, cause and extent of its claims to admiration, its actual demer- its, etc. , 363, 364. The Ca d' Oro, and the Foscari and Pisani palaces, 365. Pic- tvu'esque parts of the buildings: angle window; Ponte del Paradiso,366, 367. -See ii. 293, 294, 297, 407, 455. Venus and Rome, tem^jle dedicated by Hadrian to, 308, 312. Vercelli, church of St. Andrea at, first example of the pointed style in Italy, ii, 312, 324, .342. Verona, Roman amphitheatre at, i, 329. Results of Theoiloric's liking for the city, ii, 309. Cathedral apse, 310. Churches: San Zenone, 310. Its fa- cade, 311. Its tower, 3^9. Sta. Anas- tasia, 3^6. Tower of campanile. 318. (Scaligeri), 318, 352, 3.54. Tombs of the Si'aligers, 3.50. Windows, 362. .See ii, 293, 295, 299, 321, 384. Vespasian, temple built by, i, 307. His baths, 332. Vezelay, i, 497. Nave and narthex, 503. Vaults and roof, 503. Vicenza, town-hall of, ii, 357. Victory, pillars of, 340-342. Buddhist sthambas, ii, 315. Victory, Wingless, see Nike Apteros. Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral at, i, 540, 596. Dimensions, ii, 70. Its beauties; elegance of its spire, 71. View, 72. Failure of the Turkish siege of the city, ii, 537.