In the case of Egypt this relation gives rise to the following remarks:
1. Supports of the same kind and of the same diameter may have very different heights in one and the same building (Fig. 62).
Fig. 62.— Temple of Khons, at Thebes. (Description de l' Égypte, t. iii., pl. 55.)
Fig. 63.— Temple of Khons, at Thebes. (Descr. de l' Égypte, t. iii., pl. 55.)
Fig. 64. — Temple of Khons, Thebes. (Descr. de l' Égypte, t. iii., pl. 55.)
In a single edifice supports of different kinds but of the same diameter, have no fixed proportions, one to the other. A column with a lotus capital may be higher than one with a bell-shaped termination, and vice versâ (Figs. 63 and 64), while, again in a single building, we may find these two differently shaped columns