Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/15

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List of Illustrations. XI FIG. PAGE 157. Cone * 277 158. Cone 277 159. Amethyst cone 279 160. Agate cone 279 161. Assurbanipal attacked by lions 283 162. Figure of a goddess 290 163 — 165. Chaldaean vases of the first period 299 166 — 168. Chaldaean vases of the second period 299 169. Chaldaean vase 300 170 — 173. Assyrian vases • 301 174 — 176. Goblets 301 177. Ewer 301 178 — 180. Amphorae 302 181. Alabastron 302 182. Fragment of a vase 302 183. Fragment of a vase 303 184. 185. Fragments of vases 303 186. Goblet 304 187. Fragment of a vase 304 188. 189. Fragments of vases 305 190. Glass vase or bottle 307 191. Glass tube 307 192. Iron mattock 310 193. Fragment of a throne 315 194. Fragment of a throne 316 j 95. Bronze foot of a piece of furniture 316 196. Capital and upper part of a small column 317 197, 198. Fragments of bronze furniture 317 199. Footstool; from a bas-relief 318 200. Stool 318 201. Ivory panel 321 202. Dagger-hilt; ivory 322 203. Bronze tripod 324 204. 205. Metal vases 325 206. Metal bucket 325 207. Applied piece 326 208. Bronze platter 327 209. Bronze platter 330 210 — 214. Columns or standards figured upon a bronze cup 331 215. Bronze platter 332 216. Part of a bronze cup or platter ^^^ 217. Bronze cup 334 218. Bronze cup 342 219. Border of a cup 343 220. 221. Chariot poles 344 222, 223. Sword scabbards 345 224. Bronze cube damascened with gold 346