Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/362

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324 A History of Art in Chald^a and Assyria. of decoration, attached great importance to their metal vas'es. The bronze vessel seems to have been one of the chief objects of luxury both in the temple and the palace. The peculiarities FlG. 203. — Bronze tripod. 13 inches high. Louvre. offered by certain of these objects and the interest of the problems they suggest, make it necessary that they should be studied separately and in some detail. § 4. Metal Dishes and Utensils. Metal vases are often represented in the bas-reliefs, where we find them sometimes of very simple form, like the bowl (Fig. 204) and bucket (Fig. 205) here figured, which may have been of copper. They are provided on the upper edge with small loops