Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/385

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Arms. 347 the limb of a man of average size to pass through them with any freedom. For us the most interesting point about them is their decoration, which is identical in principle with several of the bronze platters lately discussed (see Fig. 217). This may be clearly seen in our reproduction of the shield which has suffered least from rust (Fig. 225). 1 In the centre there is a rosette with many radiations ; next F ig. 225. — Votive shield. Diameter about 34I inches. Drawn by R. Elson. come three circular bands separated from each other and from the central boss by a double cable ornament. The innermost and outermost zones are filled with lions passant, the one between 1 We cannot too often thank the keepers of the Oriental antiquities in the British Museum for the trouble they took in enabling us to give a figure of this hitherto unpublished monument. The fragments, which had not yet been pieced together or exhibited in the galleries, were arranged expressly for our draughtsman.