Decree amounting in the whole to the yearely Sume or Stipend of Twenty Poundes per annum.
"Item, one Close of land called the Minister Crofte, and one other little parcell of land belonging to the same called halfe of the Bowleing Alley which doth properly now belonge to the said Minister for the tyme being for ever, containing in the whole by estimation one acre, be itt more or less, the same being valued to be worth twenty shillings per annum.
"Item, the yearely Rent of Six poundes payable forth of certaine lands and Closes called by the names of the Beane furrs, the Sixlands and the Fourelands, now in the occupation and possession of Thomas Dickson, the said rente being given by a feoffee Deede unto the Minister of Cawthorne for the tyme being for ever by Thomas Pashley late of Cawthorne aforesaid, deceased.
"Item, all the tythes of the severell closes and parcells of land lyeing and being within Cawthorne aforesaid called the Rowleys, which are now in the occupation of Richard Wood and John Butterworth, which were alsoe lately given by a feoffee Deede unto the Minister of Cawthorne for the tyme being for ever by Barnabas Oley, Doctor of Divinity.
"In testimony whereof wee the Minister and Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of the said Parish with some other of the inhabitants of the same Parish have hereunto subscribed our names. Anno Dmi 1684.
"Chr. Walbancke, Minister ibid."
"Tho: Cockshutt, Minister" adds and signs the following:
1707 | "Item, a Rent charge payd out of Bullwell Hall in ye Parish of Silkestone, being six pounds per annum, given by Mr. John Spencer. | |
"Item, one hundred pounds (to be laid out upon land) given by Mr. Richard Green." | ||
1718 | "Item, two hundred pounds advanced by ye Parishioners and as much by ye Governers of ye Bounty of Queen Ann (to be laid out in land or tythes) towards augmenting our Living at Cawthorne." |