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£108; Mr. Wm. Milner, £50; and Margaret Monckton, £52.' (Royalist Composition Papers, 2nd Series: Vol. XIV: pp. 589-601.)

In Torre's Testementary Burials (about 1687) is the following entry: "6 May, A.D. 1623. Thomas Barneby of Barneby-hall, Esq., made his will proved 29th May, 1627, giving his soul to God Almighty, his Creator, hoping through Jesus Christ to be saved; and his body to be buried in the Churchyard of Cawthorne, and on a stone to be from Heath Quarry with his name and arms engraven and layd above him."

The Barnby family was one of the few in this neighbourhood which retained the Roman faith, and had to suffer civil penalties as "Recusants," refusing to obey the Act of Parliament which required them to be in communion with the Church of England, as a safeguard (so it was thought) against Papal intrigue against the State.

In the "List of Roman Catholics in the County of York in 1604: E. Peacock, F.S.A.," there is given the entry made on the somewhat mutilated second page of the Rawlinson MSS. B 452:

"Caiethome parishe.

"Beatrix Barneby wief of Tho. Barnby, Esq Robert Barnebye sonne of ye said Thomas Barneby. Isabell Barneby. Dorathie Barnby doughters of ye said Thomas. Alice Walton servant to ye said Thomas Barneby. Margaret Champney wedow. Charles Champney. Nicholas Champney, sonnes of ye said Margaret. Elizabeth Champney wief of ye said Nicholas and all there children. Arthur Burdett gent, Mary his weif. ffrancis Tyngle et Michaell servants to ye said Arthure. Alice Walker wief to Charles Walker.

"Recusants, but no tyme is sett downe.

Semynary Priestes. ffrances Barneby son of Tho. Barneby Esqe. "and Percival Champney, otherwise popishly called Anthony, being both semynary priestes, have resorted divers tymes within this xij moneths last past to the houses of Thomas Barneby, Esq. and Margaret Champney as the presenter have heard."

Hunter gives the following as being presented as Recusants at Cawthorne in 1624: Lady Barnby; Ann Barnby, wife of Mr. Barnby; Isabel Barnby, a daughter of Thomas Barnby, Esq.; also James Beaumont and Ann his daughter, and Margaret Rodes.