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Page:A History of Cawthorne.djvu/81

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with great and little Hollin royde, William Pashley's farm (Pashley Green?), John Shirte's farme at Upper House, land in Lionell Hawksworth's and Robert Shirt's occupation, Dawwalls in Matthew Crossland's, Deakin Brook, Rawroyd in George Shirt's. Another part of Rawroyd with "Babeshough botombe," "Smithy royd," &c., is mentioned as "unsurvayed."

Broadgates is given as Thomas Pashley's. John Shirte is given as occupying 84 acres with a "Barkehouse close" in it. Mich. Hartley (a brother of Robert Hartley) has "land belongeing Rawleing House in John Shirte occupation." Mr. Oley has the Rouleyes; Joshua Butterworth and John Lindley have each part of Jowet-House lands: Thomas Smith is the owner of Dayne hill, with its "Barkehouse close;" Matthew Linley of the Roulands; Brookehouse land, in William Shirte occupation, belongs to Harison; Cliffe Hill, Brookehouse croft, But Inge, Brige Inge, &c., belong to Thomas Wainwright, who also occupies them. "Windmilne Hill" is "Littlewood land." Bower croft, the Towne Inge, &c., belong to Henry Thompson; the "shingle at gill royds" is given as two roods; Minister croft, one acre; George Dixon has six acres at "the milne called the rayles."

Robert Hartley's land is given in 1649 as 233 acres, and, though it is not stated whether as owner or tenant of Cannon Hall, it certainly gives part of this estate as his own, in the occupation of others.

In comparing the number of landowners at that time and the present, we see how greatly the number has diminished, and how large a proportion of the Parish now belongs to the owner of Cannon Hall through successive purchases: Dean Hill came by purchase to Mr. John Spencer from Dame Gertrude Gresley and Jane Grammar, with Clough Green and other smaller properties, in 1761, a Mr. Robert Smith, who married a sister of John Green of Elmhirst, owning it in 1734 (John Hobson's Diary); the Barnby estate, part in 1701 and the other moiety in 1755; the Rawroyd estate from Godfrey, Lord Macdonald, Sir Francis Burdett, and John Hall Esq. (the Bosvile trustees), in 1831, with Hadden and other land; the Banks estate from Mr. Fawkes of Farnley, in 1826; Flash House from the Rowleys not long after; the Jowett-House property in 1859; Upper House