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Page:A History of Freedom of Thought.djvu/258

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Aesthetic movement, 213

Agnosticism, meaning of, 213 sq.

Albigeois, persecution of, 56

Anabaptists, 78, 95, 125

Anatomy, 65

Anaxagoras, 27

Annet, Peter, 172

Anthropology, 189

Anthropomorphism, 23

Aristotle, 35, 68, 69

Arnold, Matthew, 218 sqq.

Asoka, 92

Astronomy, 87–90

Atheism, 103, 113, 123, 132, 158

Athens, 27 sqq.

Augustine, St., 55

Austria-Hungary, 122, 224

Authority, meaning of, 14 sqq.

Averroism, 68

Bacon, Roger, 65

Bahrdt, 175

Bain, A., 188

Bayle, 107 sq., 135 sqq.

Benn, A. W., 152

Bible, O. T., 192 sqq.; N. T., 195 sqq.

Bible-worship, 82, 201

Blasphemy laws, 28, 86, 139 sq., 244 sqq.

Bolingbroke, 153

Bradlaugh, 224, 247

Bruno, Giordano, 84

Büchner, 198

Buckle, 188

Butler, Bishop, Analogy, 151 sq.

Calvin, 78 sq., 94

Cassels. W. R., 213

Castellion, 94

Causation, Law of, 183 sq.

Charron, 75

Cicero, 39

Clifford, W. K., 213

Clodd, Edward, 224

Colenso, Bishop, 193

Collins, Anthony, 141

Comte, Auguste, 186 sq., 229

Concordat of 1801, French, 115

Condorcet, 227

Congregationalists (Independents), 95, 99, 100

Constantine I, Emperor, 47, 51

Copernicus, 87

Darwin; Darwinism, 180, 182, 225

Defoe, Daniel, 104 sq.

Deism, 137 sqq.

Democritus, 25

Descartes, 129, 131

Design, argument from, 161, 176

D'Holbach, 158

Diderot, 158 sq.

Diocletian, Emperor, 45

Disestablishment, 104, 106

Dodwell, Henry, 147

Domitian, Emperor, 42

Double Truth, 68 sq., 134

Edelmann, 175

Epicureanism, 36 sqq., 84

Essays and Reviews, 204 sqq.

Euripides, 29

Exclusive salvation, 52 sq., 63, 78

Ferrer, Francisco, 231 sq.

Fortnightly Review, 221

Fourier, 227

France, 74, 106 sqq., 152 sqq.

Frederick the Great, 120 sq.

Frederick II, Emperor, 58, 70

Free thought, meaning of, 18

Galileo de' Galilei, 87 sqq.

Gassendi, 130

Geology, 178 sq.

Germany, 76 sqq., 117 sqq., 174 sqq.

Gibbon, 62, 162 sqq.

Goethe, 175

Greg, W. R., 203

Gregory IX, Pope, 57

Gregory XVI, Encyclical of, 123 sq.

Haeckel, 187, 228

Hale, Lord Chief Justice, 139

Harrison, Frederic, 186, 223

Hegel, 184 sqq.

Hell, controversy on, 217