Page:A History of Hindi Literature.djvu/32

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18 A HISTORY OF HINDI LITERATURE chronicles of other lands they contain much that is legendary and unreliable as history, but the light which they throw on the period in which they were written is nevertheless of very great value. Other Poets of this Period.— One or two other writers who are considered to belong to this period may also be mentioned. These are Bhupati, who wrote at the end of the thirteenth century, and Nulla Singh, Mulla Daud, and Aniir Khusro, who flourished about the fourteenth century. The latter was a Persian poet to whom Hindi verses are also ascribed. There is also a certain Gorakhnath who is regarded as the founder of an order of Yogis, and as the author of both Sanskrit and Hindi works. Some doubt has been expressed as to his being a historical person at all, but it seems likely that he was, and that he lived about 1200 a.d. The Hindi works, which include one in prose, are almost certainly not written by him. They are pro- bably the works of his followers. They have been placed by some as early as the middle of the fourteenth century, but their date at present must be regarded as very uncertain.