the sources were on which Chakrapáni drew for his compilation; they are not specified anywhere, I believe, in his work."[1] It is not easy to account for the above remarks, seeing that Chakrapáni distinctly mentions that he has modelled his work on the Siddhayoga of Vrinda,[2] and that he draws largely upon the Charaka, the Susruta and the Vágbhata, all of. whom he quotes verbatim and at length.
The religion of Sákyamuni inculcates the alleviation of distress and suffering, both moral and physical, as one of the essential articles of faith, and hence we find throughout
- ↑ Journ. As. Soc. Beng. LX. pt. 1. p. 150.
- ↑ यः सिद्धयोगलिखिताधिकसिद्धयोगानत्रैव निक्षिपति केवलमुद्धरेहा।
"इदमिह दृष्टोपकरणमेतद्दृष्टन्तु मन्त्रेण।स्वाहान्तेन विमर्द्दो भवति फड़न्तेन लौहबलरक्षा।सनमस्कारेण बलिर्भक्षणमयसो हूमन्तेन॥"ओं अमृतोद्भवाय स्वाहा।" "ओं अमृते हूं फट्।""ओं नमश्चण्डवज्रपाणये महायक्षसेनाधिपतये सुरगुरुविद्यामहाबलाय स्वाहा।""ओं अमृते हूं। इति चक्रपाणिरसायनाधिकारः।