weight of sulphur it cures consumption ; and
when it is killed with six times its weight of sul-
phur it is a panacea for all the ills that flesh is
heir to.[1] Now 25 parts by weight of mercury can
only take up (i. e. combine with) 4 parts by weight
of sulphur; the excess of sulphur simply sublimes
off unchanged. In the actual preparation of svarna-
sindūra (Lit. vermilion with gold) the mercury is
first made into an amalgam with thin gold leaves
and then repeatedly rubbed in a mortar with
sulphur. During the process of sublimation
((Indic characters)) the excess of sulphur volatilises off as we
have already explained and the gold in fine parti-
cles remains behind as a residue. The lustrous.
crystallige, reddish brown sublimate, which collects
nearest the source of heat,[2] has the formula
HgS. · As there is an erroneous impression about
the composition of this drug even among educated
people in this country' we give below the results
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