Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/13

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CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY. CHAPTER II THE VEDAS, BRAHMAAS AND THEIR PHILOSOPHY I The Vedas and their antiquity. . . 2 The place of the Vedas in the Hindu mind 3 Classification of the Vedic literature 4 The Samhitas . 5 The Brhmanas 6 The Aral)yakas . 7 The :B.g- Veda, its civilization 8 The Vedic gods . . 9 Polytheism, Henotheism, and Monotheism . . . 10 Growth of a Monotheistic tendency; Prajapati, Visvakarma II Brahma . . . . . 12 Sacrifice; the First Rudiments of the Law of Karma 13 Cosmogony-Mythological and_ Philosophical. 14 Eschatology j the Doctrine of Atman 15 Conclusion CHAPTER III THE EARLIER UPANI$ADS (700 B.C.-6oo B.C.) I The place of the Upani!?ads in Vedic literature . . 2 The names of the Upani!?ads j Non-Brahmanic influence 3 Brahmal)as and the Early U pani!?ads 4 The meaning of the word U pani!?ad . . 5 The composition and growth of diverse Upani!jads 6 Revival of U pani!?ad studies in modern times . 7 The Upani!?ads and their interpretations.. . 8 The quest after Brahman: the struggle and the failures. 9 UnkI!.owability of Brahman and the Negative Method 10 The Atman doctrine . . I I Place of Brahman in the U pani!jads . 12 The World 13 The World-Soul . . 14 The Theory of Causation . 15 Doctrine of Transmigration 16 Emancipation CHAPTER IV GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE SYSTEMS OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY I In what sense is a History of Indian Philosophy possible? 2 Growth of the Philosophic Literature 3 The Indian systems of Philosophy . 4 Some fundamental points of agreement I The Karma theory . 2 The Doctrille of fl1ukti . 3 The Doctrine of Soul . . . .. .. 5 The Pessimistic Attitude towards the World and the Optimistic Faith in the end 6 Unity in Indian Sadhana (philosophical, religious and ethical endeavours) PAGE I 10 10 I I 12 13 14 14 16 17 19 20 21 .,'> -.) 25 26 28 3 0 3 1 3 8 3 8 39 4 1 42 44 45 48 51 52 52 53 58 62 65 67 7 1 71 74 75 75 77