Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/435

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x] Vedanta Literature 4 1 9 a good viirttika on the bhaya. Suresvara, disappointed, wrote a treatise called Naikar11lyasiddhi. Padmapada wrote a t1ka but this was burnt in his uncle's house. SaIikara, who had once seen it, recited it from memory and Padmapada wrote it down. Prakasatman (1200) wrote a commentary on Padmapada's Pail- capiidikii known as Paiicapiidikiivivara?la. Akhary<;lananda wrote his Tattvadipana, and the famous Nfsitphasrama Muni (1500) wrote his ViVara?labhiivaprakiisikii on it. Amalananda and Vidyasagara also wrote commentaries on PajtcaPiidikii, named Paflcapiidikiidarpa?la and PaiicaPiidikii!ikii respectively, but the Paiicapiidikiivivara?la had by far the greatest reputation. VidyaraI).ya who is generally identified by some with Mad- ha va (1350) wrote his famous work Vi'llara?laprameyaSaJ!lgraha 1, elaborating the ideas of Paiicapiidikiivivara?la; VidyaraI).ya wrote also another excellent work named Jivamnuktiviveka on the Vedanta doctrine of emancipation. Suresvara's (800 A.D.) excellent work Nalkarmyasiddhi is probably the earliest inde- pendent treatise on Sat'1.kara's philosophy as expressed in his bhaya. It has been commented upon by J nanottama Misra. Vidyararyya also wrote another work of great merit known as PaiicadaSi, which is a very popular and illuminating treatise in verse on Vedanta. Another important work written in verse on the main teachings of Saikara's bhaya is Sa1!lkepasiiriraka, written by Sarvajnatma Muni (900 A.D.). This has also been commented upon by Ramatirtha. Srihara (1190 A.D.) wrote his Kha?ltjallakha?u!akhiidya, the most celebrated work on the Vedanta dialectic. Citsukha, who probably flourished shortly after Srihara, wrote a commentary on it, and also wrote an independent work on Vedanta dialectic known as Tattvadipikii which has also a commentary called Nayallaprasiidi11i written by Pratyagrupa. Satikara Misra and Raghunatha also wrote commentaries on K ha?ltjallakha?ltjaklliid.J1a. A work on Ve- danta epistemology and the principal topics of Vedanta of great originality and merit known as Vcdiilltapariblltiii was written by Dharmarajadhvarindra (about 1550 A.D.). His son Ramakfnadhvarin wrote his SikhiilJla?li on it and Amaradasa his Ma?liprabllii. The Vediilltaparibhiiii with these two commen- taries forms an excellent exposition of some of the fundamental principles of Vedanta. Another work of supreme importance 1 See Narasil11hacarya's article in the Indian Alltiquary, 1916.