Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/5

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TO HIS EXCELLEKCY LAWRENCE JOHN LUMLEY DUNDAS, G.C.I.E., EARL OF RONALDSHA Y, CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA AND THE GOVERNOR OF BENGAL. May it please your Excellency, The idea of writing this work was first suggested to me by the Rectorial address which your Excellency delivered some years ago at a Convocation of the University of Calcutta, in which you emphasised the special need of the study of Indian philosophy by Indian students. I shall ever remember with gratitude the encouragement that I received from the kind interest that you showed in my work by going through the manuscript, in the conversations that I had the honour of holding with you on various occasions, and in your subsequent letters to me. Your Excellency's honoured name has thus already become peculiarly connected with the composition of this work. With your Excellency's kind permission, I therefore wish to take advantage of this opportunity in associating your Excellency's name with this volume as a mark of deepest respect and esteem. The present work is an attemi-Jt to present the thought of Ancient India at its best. This thought still holds the spirit of India, and the more it is studied the more do we see that the problems are often identical with those of European thinkers. That both East and Vest should realise each other's tasks and find that they are often identical is an auspicious omen for the future. The great work of uniting India with Europe can only be gradually accomplished through mutual appreciation of what is best in each country. I shall be very happy if this humble volume may even in a very small measure aid this process which is already begun in various ways and may repre- sent to your Excellency after your return to this country some- thing of the ancient ideals of India. I remain, your Excellency, Loyally and sincerely yours, SURENDRANATH DASGUPTA.