Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/516

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5 00 bhiitiidi, 249, 25 1 , 253 bhuyodarfana, 347, 34 8 Bi-bhautik, 329 Bibliotheca Indica, 3:H 11., 346 n. Birth, 84, 89; determined by last thought, 9 0 Blessedness, 61 Bodas, 276, 279 bodha, 4 I 2 bodhiibodhasvabhava, 412 Bodhiiyana, 433 Bod/ziiyana bhtifya, 433 bod/zi, 173 bodhibhiivanii, 202 bodhisattva, 127, 150, 15111. Bodhisattvas, 136, 137 Bombay, 2 n., 28 n., 317 n. brahmabhuta, 21 5 n. Brahmabindu, 28 n. brahmacarya, 199, 200, 226, 227 n., 236, 270, 283 Brahmahood,55 Brahmajiilasutta, 65 n., 236 Brahma-knowledge, 491 Brahman, 20,21,23, 28n., 32,34,35, 3 fi , 43, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 80, I I I, 144, 168, 202,21 I, 215,228, 234,235,239, 3 01 n., 430, 43 1 , 434, 43 6 ,437, 43 8 , 44 0 ,443,444, 445, 44 6 , 447, 45 1 , 45 2 , 457, 45 8 , 4 61 , 4 68 , 4 6 9, 4 8 [, 4 82 , 4 8 3, 4 8 9, 491; as highest bliss, 48; as immanent and transcendent, 50 ; as ordainer, 49; as siJence, 45; as su- preme principle in Satapatha, 20; as the cause of all, 48; as ultimate cause, 53; dualistic conception of, 48; equi- valent to iitmalz, 45; identified with natural objects, 44; instruction of Praja- pati on, 46; meanings of, 20; negative method of knowing, 44; positive defi- nition of, impossiLle, 44; powers of gods depended on, 37; powers of natural objects depended on, 37; priest, 13'1.; quest after, 42; suhstitutes of, inadequate, 43; transition of the mean- ing of, 37; three currents of thought regarding, 50; universe created out of, 49; unknowability of, 44 BrahmaQaspati, 23, 3 2 , 43 Brahma Samaj, 40 Brahma-sutra, 4511.,86 n., 91 n., 143 n., 43 0 , 43 2 , 47 0 Brahmasu!1"as, 62, 6 4 , 70, 121 n., 223, 279,418,420,421,422,429, 43 1 ,433, 439 II.; VaiQava commentaries of, Brahma-siitrabhiiya, 3 I 9 n. Brahmavidya, 28 n. brah , mavid)'ii .H n. brahmavilliira, 10 3, 144 Brahmayana, 12611. Brahma, 126 n., 324 Brahmins, [0, I I, 12, 3 1 , 35 HrahmaQas,6, 12, [3, [3 n ., 25, 27, 28, 21}, 3 0 , 3[, 33, 35, 208, 4 0 4, 4 2 9; Index iitman as supreme essence in, 27; character of, 13; composition of, 13; creation and evolution theory com- bined in, 25; development of, into U paniads, 3 I ; karma doctrine of, 72; meaning of, 13 n. BrhmaQa thought, transition of, into AraQyaka thought, 35 Brahmanism, 169 Breath, 272 British, I I, 371 Bruno, 40 n. BrhadaraQyaka, 14, 28 n., 3 1 , 33, 34 n., 35, 371 z ., 39, 4 2 n., 45 '1 ., 49 n ., 50, 55, 56, 57,61, 88n., lIon., III n., 226, 263 n., 432 n., 469, 470; rebirth in, 87 Brhadratha, 227 BrhaJjabala, 28 n. Brhaspati, 79 Brlzati, 37 0 Brhatkalpa, 171 n. Brhatsa,!zhitii, 327 n. Buddha, 7, 6 4 , 65, 67, 79, 80, 84, 86, 86 n., 93, 94, 102, 107, 109, 110, 112, 118, 119, 125, 127, 133, 142, 144,147, 169,173,174,227, 263n.; his life, 81 Budd/zacaritakiivya, 129 n. Buddhadeva, I 15, 116 Buddhaghoa, 82, 83, 92 n., 94, g6,99, 105, 161, 470; his view of name and form, 88; his view of viiYiiina, 89; on theory of perception, 97 Buddhahood, 84, 13 6 , 137 Buddhapalita, 128 Buddhas, 13 6 , 137, 424 BuddhavaJ!zsa, 83 Buddhayana, 125 1Z. buddhi, 213, 214, 216, 218 n., 224, 225, 240 n., 242, 249, 25 1 , 25 8 , 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267,27 I, 273, 275, 27 6 , 281, 295, 299, 3 11 , 3 16 , 33 0 , 33 I, 33 2 n., 3 68 , 399, 4 1 5, 4 16 , 4 60 buddhi-lIinlliiza, 256 n., 3 I I buddhinifcaya, 409 n. Buddhism, I, 9, 74, 75, 7 8 ,83, 95, 108, 110, III, 129, 138, 155, 161,165, [68, 169, 175, 208, 209, 212,219, 237 n ., 23, 274, 3[2, 3 22 n., 4 1 7, 465; at- makh)'{Ui theory of illusion, 385; causa- tion as tiidiitmya and tadutpatti, 345; criticism of momentariness by Nyaya, 274; criticism of the lIirvikalpa per- ception of Nyaya, 339 ff.; currents of thought prior to, 80; denial of the existence of negation, 357 ff.; denial of wholes, 38011.; Dharmakirtti's con- tribution to the theory of concomi- tance, 351; Dillnaga's doctrine of universal proposition and inference, 350 n.; Dillniiga's view of the new knowledgeacquired by inference, 388n.; doctrine of matter, 95; doctrIne of momentariness, 158; doctrine of non-