Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/526

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5 10 Miidhyamika vrtti, 85 n., 86,Z., 88 n., 901Z., 911Z., 14111., 14 2n ., 143 1Z ., 144 1Z., 425 n. 1I1odhya11likafiistra, 122 n. miidhyastha, 203 l1ziina, 100, 144, 201 miinam, 356 11liillasa-pratyakfa, 343, 400 11lollasika, 108 Mii?zdztkya, 28 n., 31 n., 39, 418, 424, 43 21Z . JJ,fozfjukya kiirikii, 418, 422 MaI)ikya Nandi, 309 l'vliirada11lanasutra, 125 n. miirdava, 202 11liitsaryya, 144 Mii{harabhii!ya, 213 miiyii, 50, 12 7, 141, 14 2 , 144, 14 6 , 149, 15 1 , 201, 241, 258, 273 n., 424, 426, 43 1 , 435, 437,43 8 , 44 2 ,443,4 6 [, 4 6 5, 4 6 7, 4 68 , 4 6 9, 47 0 , 49 2 , 493 moy/zhasti,4 28 miiyiikiira, 94 1Ilechanical, Physical and Chemical T/leones of the Ancie1Zt Hindus, 213 Meditation, 103, 104, 105,115,161, 173, 201, 202, 227. 234, 235,317 It. megha, 220 It. Memory, 185,269,31611., 340; causes of, 216n. Mental perception, 400 Mercury, 287 n. Merit, 264, 281, 312, 3 1 7,3 2 4, 3 2 5, 342 Metaphysical,4 06 Metaphysics, 161, 166,403, 414, 415 Metempsychosis, 2S, 234 mettii, 103 mettiibhii7Janii, 104 Middle, 351, 362 Middle India, 120 n. Milinda, 83 Milil1dapaliha, 83, 88, 89, 107, 163 n. Mindfulness, 101, 103 Mind stuff, 240 n. Minor, 351, 362 Mirok, 278, 303 Misery, 295 n. Mithila, 308 mithyiidr!!i, 145 mit/lyiijl/iina, 294, 3 6 5 mithyiisatyiibh , ilzivefa 148 mithyiitva, 193 11lithyiitvanirukti, 444'1. lIIimii'!lsii, 7, 9, 68, 12 9, 188, 189, 209 n., 276, 280, 281, 284, 303, 320, 323, 343 n., 3H n., 34 6 , 357, 3 6 3, 3 6 7, 3 6 9, 37 0 , 37 1 , 37 2 , 375, 37 6 , 3 82 , 3 8 3, 3 8 5, 3 86 , 39 0 ,39 ' , 394, 39 6 , 4 00 , 4 0 3, 4 0 4, 4 06 , 4 12 , 4 1 7,4 2 9,43 0 ,433, 435,440,448,471,484,485, 4 86 ,49 0 , 497; agreement with Nyaya Vaisika, 403; akhyiiti theory of illusion, 386; amll"tiihhidhii1zaviida and abhihitiilzva- yaviida, 395; comparison with other Index systems, 367 ff.; conceptions of jiiti and avayavin, 379 ff.; conception of fakti, 402 1Z. ; consciousness of self, how attained, Kumarila and Prab- hakara, 400 ff. ; denial of spho{a, 397 n.; doctrine of samaviiya, 381; epistemology of Kumarila, 416 ff.; epistemology of Prabhakara, 415 ff.; general account of, 69; indeterminate and determinate perception, 378 ff. ; inference, 387 ff.; influence of Buddhist logic on Mimal11sii logic, 388, 390; Kumarila and Prabhakara, 372; Kumarila's view of self-luminosity, 459; legal value of, 69; literature, 3 6 9 ff .; non-perception, 397 ff.; Nyaya objections against the self-validity of knowledge, 372 ff.; perception, sense- organs and sense-contact, 375 If.; Prab- hakara's doctrine of perception con- trasted with that of Nyaya, 343 n.; Prabhakara's view of self-luminosity, 459; Sabda pramaI).a, 394 ff.; self, 399 ff.; self as jl1iinafakti, 402; self- revealing character of knowledge, 382 ff.; self-validity of knowledge, 373 ff.; upamiina and arthiiPatti, 39 I if.; vidhis, 404 ff.; view of negation, 355 ff. Mimii'!Zsiibiilaprakiifa, 37 I lIfimii,!zsiinukra1lla'.zi, 371 l'vfi11lii,!lSii-lIyiiya-prakiifa, 37 I Mimd,!zsiipanbhii!ii, 37 I Mimii,!lsii sutras, 280, 281, 282, 285, 370, 37 2 , 394 Mimal11sist, 359 11lleccha, 294 n., 304 modamiina, 220 n. Moggallana, 108, 263 n. 1ll0ha, 100, 122, [43, 220 n., 276, 300 mohaniya, 191, 193 mohaniya karma, 194 mok!a, 115, 170, '73, 19 0 , 19 2 , 195, 198, 199,207,215,216,217,283,305,317n. mok!aviida, 401 n. 11l0k!e llivrttirni!zfefii, 216 Molar, 321 Molecular motion, 32 I Molecules, 327 Momentariness, 158, 161, 164, 168, 209, 212 Momentary, 104, 114, 14 1 , 152, 159,160, 16 5, 174, 18 7, 274, 299, 316 n., 3 2 5, 33 2 , 339, 4 08 , 47 I Monk, '72, 173 Monotheism, [7 Monotheistic, 33 Mudgala, 28 n. 11luditii, 103, 220 n., 236, 270 Muir, 20 n., 23 n., 32 n., 33 n. 11lukta, 73 mukta-jiva, 189 Mllktiivali, 307, 322 n. mukti, 58, 202, 248, 26 I, 269, 273,305 n., 3 2 4, 3 66 , 4 2 4, 440, 491; general ac-