Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/528

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5 12 nivviila, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109 niyama, 155, 235, 27 0 , 3 1 7 n., 345 niyama-vidhi, 404 niyatiipltrlJaVarttitll, 320 nt, 277 lIilabodha, 41011. nilatvajiiti, 3' 7 lIirupakhya, 124 Noble path, 124 nodalZavifefa, 291 Non-existence, 35 6 , 357 Non-perception, 261, 35 6 , 358,359,397, 4 8 5 North-western Province, 172 Nrsi1!lhapurvatiipini, 28 n., 32 n. N rsil11hasrama M uni, 4 I 9, 420 Number, 291, 292, 305, 306 n., 315 Nyaya, 7, 9,63, 68, 75, 87"., 157, 159, 161,168,177, 21 9, 269n., 274,27 6 ,277, 27 8 , 279, 280, 294, 29 6 ,297,299,3 0 3, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312 n., 3 20 , 3 21 , 3 2 5, 3 26 , 327,328,331,332, 333, 335, 337, 33 8 , 339, 34 0 , 343, 344 11., 34 6 , 347, 34 8 , 349, 35 0 , 353, 354, 35 6 , 3 60 , 3 61 , 3 62 , 3 6 3, 3 6 4, 3 6 7, 3 68 , 3 6 9, 37 2 , 373, 37 6 , 377, 37 8n ., 3 80 , 3 81 , 3 82 , 3 8 5, 39 1 , 394, 39 6n ., 397, 4 0 3, 4 06 ,4 12 , 4 1 3, 4 1 4, 4 1 5,4 16 , 417,431,434,440,446,455,459,462, 465, 466, 41:)4, 4 88 , 492; nature of the self, 459 n.; notion of time, 4 66 Nyiiyabillllu, 151, 15211., 15411., 155n., 168,181,309,35811., 4 10n . Nyiiyabindutikii, 152 n., 154 n., 155 n., 15611., 359 lZ., 4 1011 . Nyiiyabindutikiitippani, 151 n., 152 n., 154 n . Nyiiyabodhini, 330 n. Nyiiyakalldali, 306,310 n., 311 n., 312 n., 314 11., 316 n., 317 n., 324 n., 32611., 328 n., 337 n., 33811., 35 111 ., 355 n., 359 11 . Nyliyakazikii, 37 I Nyiiyakofa. 2 11. NyiiyalUiivati, 317 n. Nyiiyamakaranda, 420, 486 Nyiiyama/ijari, 67,79, 160n., 161,16211., 16311., 212 n., 276, 307, 311 n., 320, 321, 32211.,326, 327".,330".,332 n., 33 6 , 337"., 34 011 ., 345 n., 347, 353, 35511., 35811., 359 n., 362,362 n., 363, 365 n., 366n., 373n., 380n., 4 1 4 11 ., 4 1 7 11., 459 n., 467 Nyiiyamaiijarisiira, 308 Nyliyamiiliivistara, 37 I, 405 n. Nyiiyanibandhaprakilfa, 63, 307 NyayanirIJaya, 307, 418 Nyiiyapradipa, 308 Nyiiyapravefa, 309 Nyilyaral1lamiilii, 37 I, 4 I 7 11. Nyliyaratlliikara, 370, 378n., 3 88 , 389n., 39 0n . Nyiiyasiira, 308, 309 Nyiiyasiddhlllltadipa, 308 Index Nyiiyasiddhiintamaiijari, 308 Nyiiya sitci, 278 Nyiiyasudhii, 371 Nyiiya szUra, 228 n., 229 n., 277, 297 n., 300 n., 302, 306, 307, 342 n., 362, 43 0 Nyiiya szltrabhiiya, 186 n. Nyiiyaszttras, 71, 120, 276,278, 279, 294, 3 01 , 303, 305, 327 n., 360 Nyiiyasittravivaraza, 307 NYllyaSlttroddhiira, 278 Nyliyatiitparya1Jlalfjana, 63, 307 Nyiiyatiitparya!ikiiparifuddhi, 63 Nyaya-Vaise!iiika, 167, 178, 25611., 281, 28 4,294 '1 ., 3 0 5, 3 10 , 3 11 , 3 12 , 3 1 3, 3 18 ,3 1 9, 3 20 , 3 2 3, 3 26 , 33 0 , 335,34 1 , 355, 3 66 , 3 6 7, 37 1 ,4 0 3, 49 2 ; antiquity of the Vaife!ika sittras, 280 ff.; argu- ment from order and arrangement, in favour of the existence of God, 363 ff.; arguments against the Buddhist doctrine of causation as tiiddtmya and tadutpatti, 345 ff.; atomic combination, 326; Bud- dhist criticism of mrvikalpa and Vacas- pati's answer, 339 ff.; Caraka and the Nyiiyasittras, 302; causes of recol- lection, 300; causation as invariable antecedence, 321 ; causation as mole- cular motion, 321; causation as opera- tive conditions, 322; classification of inference, 353 ff.; classification of nega- tion, 359; conception of wholes, 38011. ; criticism of momentariness, 274; criti- cism of the Sal11khya and the Buddhist view of pramaQa, 33 I ff.; criticism of Sal!lk hya satkiiryaviida, etc., 275 ff.; criticism of the theory of causation by Vedanta, 466; debating devices and fallacies, 360 ff. ; discussion on the meaning of upamiina, 355n.; discussion on the siitras, 276 ff.; doctIine of dis- solution, 323; doctrine of inference, 343 ff.; doctrine of illusion, 337; doc- trine of parataf;.priimdzya, 372 ff.; doc- trine of perception, 333; doctrine of soul, 362 ff.; doctrine of substance (dravya), 310ff.; doctrine of upamd1la and fabda, 354 ff.; doctrine of vyiipti, 345 ff.; epistemology, 4 12 ff. ; erroneous perception, 336; fallacies of hetu, 344; five premisses of Prasastapada, 350; formation of radicles, 329; four kinds of pramal)as, 332 ff.; Gangda's defi- nition of perception, 33411., 342 n.; general epistemological situation as compared with Mimal11sa, 367; indeter- minate and determinate perception, 334; inference from effects to causes, 297; inference of a creator, 325 ff.; literature, 307 ff.; merits and demerits operating as teleological causes of atomic combination, 323 ff.; Mimal11sa doctrine of negation, 355 ff.; miracu- lous, intuitive and mental perception,