Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/539

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Teachers, traditional transmission from, 2,8 Technical, 66, 77, 3 0 4, 3 08 , 309 Technical terms, different in meaning, invented, 2 ; elastic in Pali Buddhism, 3 te/as, 51, 25 2 , 255, 295, 3 10 , 3 1 3, 314, 3 2 3, 3 2 9, 377 tias-atom, 253 Tejobindu, 2811. Telang, 421, 423'1. Teleology, 247, 248, 254, 258, 267, 269, 3 2 5 Testimony, 33 2 , 333 The Early History of Indian Philosophy, 277 n. The History of Navya Nyiiya in Bengal, 3 1on . Theism, 33, 50, 25 8 Theistic, 220, 221, 223 Theistic systems, 8 Theragiithii, 83 Theravada, 83, 112, 113, 119, 120, 125, 15 0 Theravadins, 125 TIle Rigveda, 15 n., 18, 19 n., 20 n., 24 n . Therzgathii, 83 Thiorie des Douze Cames, 90 n. Thilly, Frank, 3 thina, 100 thinamiddham, 105 Thomas, E. J., 8 4 n., 155 n. Thomas, F. "V., 129'1. Thought-photograph, 241 Thought-stuff, 241, 242 Tibetan, 121, 128, 144,218 tikta, 313 Tilak, Bal GaIlgadhar, 10 Tilakamaiijari, 172 Time, 311 tirohita, 257 Tirthankara, 169, 170, 173 tiryag-Kamana, 329 tirya/..'siimii1Iya, 196 Traditionary explanations, 65 Transcendental contact, 34 I; power, 335 Transcendent influence, 331 Translatioll of A itareya A raf.Zyaka, 36 11. Translatioll of the Upaniads, 38,1. TIansmigration, 26, 27, 53, 54,55,57,5 8 trasareu, 323 trayi, 277 trikiifjllka, 92 n. TriplldvibhiUimahiilliinlyala, 28 11. Tripurii, 28 n. Tripzeriitiipini, 28 n. trzpll(i, 459 tripu!ipratyaka, 343 n., 384, 400 TriSala, 170, I 73 Trisikhibrahmana, 2811. trya'.zuka, 314.315, 324, 326 tnii, 85 n., 87, 9 0 , 9 2 , 143, 145, 14 8 , 21 5 trii-valp1tlya, 9011. Index 5 2 3 tr tl ya-liliga-parii11larla, 346 tucclla, 443 tllliijliiilla, 458 Turiyiitita, 28,1. tUf!i, 220 Tvagr, 21 ty(igiinvaya, [1911. Tanka, 433 !hiipami, 157 !hiti, 93 Tuptik(1,37 1 ubhayiilzubhaya, 148 uccheda, 428 ucchedavllda, 143 Udayana, 63,306,307,312 n., 326n., 329, 365 n. 1td(lharala, 157, 29 6 , 353 Udana, 83, 108 n. udiisina, 197 udbhava, 29011. udbhutari"iPavattva, 290 n., 303 udbhutavrtti, 254 uddllaccakukkllccam, [05 Udgitha, 36 udhacca, 100 Udyotakara, 63, 22811., 269 n., 29811., 3 0 5, 3 0 7. 309, 3 2 7 11., 328, 330 n., 337 n., 34 2 n., 35 1 , 353 '1 ., 355 n. Uktha, 36 Uliika, 7 I, 305 Umasvati, 171,237,309 Unconditional, 32 I, 322, 465 Unconditionality, 320 Universals, 165 U nmanifested, 275 upat-iirasa11liidhi, 102, 103 Upadda, 128 upadhiiraa11l, 101 upajivya, 447 upalabdhihetu, 330 n. upalambha, 302 upamiilla, 294, 297, 3 02 , 3 0 4, 3 08 , 333, 354,355,39 1 ,4 12 upa11ll1na labda. 47 [ Upamitabhavaprllpalicakathii, 172 Itpllmiti, 492 upanaya, 185, 296, 35 0 , 353 upanayalZa, 1:-7 Upani!iiad, 4 18 , 4 22 , 433, 434, 43 6 , 44 1 , 445, 494; causation in, 173; meaning of the word, 38 Upani!jads, I, 7,8, 12, 14,27,28, 29, 30, 64,65,70, 7 2 , 79, 80, 87,88, 107, 110, III, 125n., 174, 175,208,210,211, 212, 223, 227. 234, 239, 26311., 276, 4 21 ,4 2 3,4 2 9, 43 0 , 43 1 , 43 2 ,437, 43 8 , 44 2 , 447,47 0 , 49 0 , 493, etc.; accident as cause, 78; age of the, 39; Atharva- veda, 31; atheistic creeds referred to in, 78; circles of philosophy outside of, 65; composition of, 38; creation in,

I; desire as cause of re-birth, 56; 

different classes of, 39; doctrine of