Page:A History of Wood-Engraving.djvu/226

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Valuable and Interesting Works on Ancient and Modern Art.

Contemporary Art in Europe.

By S. G. W. Benjamin. Copiously Illustrated. 8 vo., Cloth, Illuminated and Gilt, $3.50; Half Calf, $5.75.

Art in America.

By S. G. W. Benjamin. Illustrated. 8 vo, Cloth, Illuminated and Gilt. $4.00.

Cyprus: its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples.

A Narrative of Researches and Excavations during Ten Years' Residence in that Island. By General Louis Palma di Cesnola, Mem. of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Turin; Hon. Mem. of the Royal Society of Literature, London, &c. With Appendix containing a Treatise on "The Rings and Gems in the Treasure of Kurium," by C. W. King, M. A.; a "List of Engraved Gems found at Different Places in Cyprus;" a Treatise "On the Pottery of Cyprus," by A. S. Murray; Lists of "Greek Inscriptions," "Inscriptions in the Cypriote Character," and "Inscriptions in the Phœenician Character." With Portrait, Maps, and 400 Illustrations. Third Edition. 8 vo, Cloth, Gilt Tops and Uncut Edges, $7.50.

Caricature and other Comic Art,

In all Times and Many Lands. By James Parton. With 203 Illustrations. 8 vo, Cloth, Gilt Tops and Uncut Edges, $5.00.

Ancient Egyptians.

A Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians. Revised and Abridged from his larger Work. By Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson, D. C. L, F. R. S., &c. With 500 Illustrations. 2 vols, 12 mo, Cloth, $3.50.


Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas. By E. G. Squier, M. A., F. S. A., late U. S. Commissioner to Peru; Author of "The States of Central America," "Nicaragua: its People, Scenery, Monuments, Resources, Condition, and Proposed Canal," &c. With Map and 258 Illustrations. 8 vo, Cloth, $5.00.

The Mikado's Empire.

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A Hand-Book of Pottery Painting.

By John C. L. Sparkes. 32 mo, Paper, 20 cents; Cloth, 35 cents.