Page:A History of the Australian Ballot System in the United States.djvu/90

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Notice to voters to be given by Returning Officer of the Province of time of sending in notice of claim

8. Between the first day of March, and the seventh day of March in every year, the Returning Officer for the Province shall cause to be published a notice, in the South Australian Government Gazette, and in two newspapers published in Adelaide, notifying to all persons, entitled to vote in the election of Members to serve in the Legislative Council and House of Assembly respectively, that the notice aforesaid is about forthwith to be delivered to the occupier of every dwelling-house, and that all persons claiming to be inserted in any electoral list, must insert their names in the Schedules of such notices as thereby and therein required, or they will not be entitled to vote at any election during the ensuing year; and every person to whom the said notice shall be addressed shall forward the same, within seven days from the receipt thereof, either personally or through the Post Office, as stated in the said notice, under a penalty of not more than Twenty Shillings, to be recovered in a smnmary way before two Justices of the Peace of the Province.

Lists to be made out and left at certain places for inspection

9. The Returning Officer of every electoral district or division shall, on or before the first day of May in every year, make out a list to be called the electoral list, having the names in such list arranged in alphabetical order, under the headings of the subdivisions of the district into voting places, according to the form of the Schedule hereto annexed, marked D, of all persons resident within his division who may have forwarded their claims to him in manner aforesaid, as claiming to be entitled to vote in elections for Members of the Legislative Council, and a like list of all persons claiming to be entitled to vote in elections for Members of the House of Assembly for such district; and shall sign, date, and certify such list to be correct, and shall cause the same to be either printed or fairly and legibly transcribed and forwarded (by post) to the place of meeting of every Corporation or District Council within the electoral district to which the said list refers, and also to any police station in any such district beyond the limits of a Corporation or District Council; and the said lists shall be kept open to public inspection at all reasonable hours at such places respectively until the twenty-first day of the same month of May.

Claim of persons to have their names inserted on electoral lists

List of claimants

List of persons objected to

10. Any person, having made such claim as aforesaid, whose name shall not have been inserted in any such electoral list, and who shall claim to have his name inserted therein, shall, on or before the twenty-first day of May, give notice thereof to the Returning Officer, in the form of the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked E, or to the like effect; and any person whose name shall have been inserted, or who shall claim to have his name inserted, in any such electoral