Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/360

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Douglas, Stephen A., introduces Oregon Territory bill, 186; Pacific railway plans, 233.

Drake, Sir Francis, cruises in the Pacific, 1577-8, 6.

DuBois River, Lewis and Clark camp at, 51.

Dunn, John, "Oregon Territory "quoted, 63 n.

Dye, Eva Emery, author of " The Conquest," relating to Lewis and Clark, 51 n. and "McLoughlin and Old Oregon," 81 n.

Edgecumbe, Mt., discovered by Cuadra, 12; named byCook, 14.

Edwards, P. S., assistant to Jason Lee, 117; with Willamette Cattle Company, 130.

Eells, Reverend Cashing, missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., locates in Spokane country, 123.

Elm Grove Mt., pioneers start from, 1843, 147.

Farnham, Thomas J., visits Oregon, 133; writes popular treatise on, 133.

Ferelo, Spanish navigator with Cabrillo, 6.

Fisheries, whale, on Northwest Coast, create interest in Congress, 98; Wyeth's salmon fishing project, 112; value of salmon pack, 276-277.

Flathead Indians, mission

planned for by Methodists, 116.

Florida, Jefferson tries to lump West Florida with New Orleans, 42; purchase of Florida, treaty of limits with Spain, 93.

Floyd, Charles, with Lewis and Clark, dies on journey, 53. John, M. C. from Virginia, begins agitation over Oregon in Congress, makes report, 96; speech on Oregon Territory Bill, 97-8.

Franchere, Gabriel, clerk of Pacific Fur Company, his " Narrative" quoted, 71.

Franciscans, founded California missions, 10.

Eraser, Irwin, British trader and explorer, descends Eraser River to Pacific, 65-6.

Fremont, Captain John C, in California, 1846, 200-201; was perhaps surveying railway route to San Francisco Bay, 235.

Frost, Reverend J. H., missionary, 137.

Fuca, Juan de, legend of, concerning the strait, 13.

Gallatin, Albert, negotiates with Great Britain, 104.

Gama, Vasco da, 3.

Genet, French minisiter to U. S., 27.

George, Fort, British rechristen Astoria, 78.

Grand Ronde Valley, rea