Page:A History of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/370

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213; gold in. See Mining and Inland Empire. State, development of agriculture, 251, 252, 258; farm land values in, 262; lumber production of, 272; fisheries of, 277; exports and imports, 286; cities of, 301. Webster, Daniel, concludes treaty with Ashburton,

I74-I75 White, Dr. Elijah, Indian subagent, raises emigrating party for Oregon, 140.

Whitman, Dr. Marcus, with Dr. Parker, i ig; brings mission party to Oregon, 121; founds interior missions, 121-124; famous ride, 189; in the East, 190; return, difficulties of his situation, 191; the massacre of Whitman, his wife, and twelve others, 192.

Whitman Question, statement on, 185 n.

Whitney, Asa, his railroad project, 231, 235.

Wilkes, Lieutenant Charles, in Oregon, 138; views of

commercial development of the Oregon and California countries, 284. George, plan for a national railroad to the Pacific, 234-35.

Wilson, W. H., missionary, iig.

Wood, T. B., quoted, 167.

Wyeth, Nathaniel J., trading project, no; first journey to Oregon, in; second expedition and failure, 111-112; journals and letters, 112 n.

Yakima Valley, fruit growing area, 264.

Yamhill County, 170.

Yoncalla, founded by Jesse Applegate, 214 n.

York, Captain Clark's negro, 51.

York Factory, on Hudson Bay, 80.

Young, Ewing, organizes Cattle Company, 129; sketch of career, 129 n.; effect of his death, 158.

Young, Professor Frederic G., editor of Wyeth's journals and letters, 11