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Page:A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).djvu/187

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Suburbs, by the Care of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen; and by the Juſtices of the Peace, Churchwardens, &c. in the out-Parts; that London may be a Pattern to all the Cities in the World for the good Government and the excellent Order that was every where kept, even in the time of the moſt violent Infection; and when the People were in the utmoſt Conſternation and Diſtreſs. But of this I ſhall ſpeak by itſelf.

One thing, it is to be obſerv’d, was owing principally to the Prudence of the Magiſtrates, and ought to be mention’d to their Honour, (viz.) The Moderation which they uſed in the great and difficult Work of ſhutting up of Houſes: It is true, as I have mentioned, that the ſhutting up of Houſes was a great Subject of Diſcontent, and I may ſay indeed the only Subject of Diſcontent among the People at that time; for the confining the Sound in the ſame Houſe with the Sick, was counted very terrible, and the Complaints of People ſo confin’d were very grievous; they were heard into the very Streets, and they were ſometimes ſuch that called for Reſentment, tho’ oftner for Compaſſion; they had no way to converſe with any of their Friends but out at their Windows, where they wou’d make ſuch piteous Lamentations, as often mov’d the Hearts of thoſe they talk’d with, and of others who paſſing by heard their Story; and as thoſe Complaints oftentimes reproach’d the Severity, and ſometimes the Inſolence of the Watchmen plac’d at their Doors, thoſe Watchmen wou’d anſwer ſaucily enough; and perhaps be apt to affront the People who were in the Street talking to the ſaid Families; for which, or for their ill Treatment of the Families, I think ſeven or eight of them in ſeveral Places were kill’d; I know not whether I ſhou’d ſay murthered or not, becauſe I cannot enter into the particular Caſes. It is true, the Watchmen were on their Duty, and acting in the Poſt where they were plac’d by a lawful Authority; and killing any publick legal Officer in the Execution of his Office,