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Page:A Journal of the Plague Year (1722).djvu/63

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fection, and will not be avoided, notwithſtanding any Order that have been given to the contrary: It is therefore now ordered, that ſuch Conſtables, and others, whom this Matter may any way concern, take ſpecial care that no wandring Begger be ſuffered in the Streets of this City, in any faſhion or manner, whatſoever, upon the Penalty provided by the Law to be duely and ſeverely executed upon them.


'THAT all Plays, Bear-Baitings, Games, ſinging of Ballads, Buckler-play, or ſuch like Cauſes of Aſſemblies of People, be utterly prohibited, and the Parties offending ſeverely puniſhed by every Alderman in his Ward.

Feaſting Prohibited.

'THAT all publick Feaſting, and particularly by the Companies of this City, and Dinners at Taverns, Alehouſes, and other Places of common Entertainment be forborn till further Order and Allowance; and that the Money thereby ſpared, be preſerved and employed for the Benefit and Relief of the Poor viſited with the Infection.


'THAT diſorderly Tipling in Taverns, Ale-houſes, Coffe-houſs, and Cellars be ſeverely looked unto, as the common Sin of this Time, and greateſt occaſion of diſperſing the Plague. And that no Company or Perſon be ſuffered to remain or come into any Tavern, Ale-houſe, or Coffe-houſe to drink after nine of the Clock in the Evening, according to the antient Law and Cuſtom of this City, upon the Penalties ordained in that Behalf.
