Those who wish to sell slaves in Buckingham and the adjacent counties in Virginia, by application to Anderson D. Abraham, Sr., or his son, Anderson D. Abraham, Jr., they will find sale, at the highest cash prices, for one hundred and fifty to two hundred slaves. One or the other of the above parties will be found, for the next eight months, at their residence in the aforesaid county and state. Address Anderson D. Abraham, Sr., Maysville Post Office, White Oak Grove, Buckingham County, Va.
Winchester Republican, June 29, 1852:
The subscriber having located himself in Winchester, Va. wishes to purchase a large number of SLAVES of both sexes, for which he will give the highest price in cash. Persons wishing to dispose of Slaves will find it to their advantage to give him a call before selling.
All communications addressed to him at the Taylor Hotel, Winchester, Va., will meet with prompt attention. Elijah McDowel,
Agent for B. M. & Wm. L. Campbell,
Dec. 27, 1851.—ly of Baltimore.
For Maryland:
Port Tobacco Times, Oct., '52:
The subscriber is permanently located at Middleville, Charles County (immediately on the road from Port Tobacco to Allen's Fresh), where he will be pleased to buy any Slaves that are for sale. The extreme value will be given at all times, and liberal commissions paid for information leading to a purchase. Apply personally, or by letter addressed to Allen's Fresh, Charles County. John G. Campbell.
Middleville, April 14, 1852.
Cambridge (Md.) Democrat, October 27, 1852:
I vrish to inform the slave-holders of Dorchester and the adjacent counties that I am again in the market. Persons having negroes that are slaves for life to dispose of will find it to their interest to see me before they sell, as I am determined to pay the highest prices in cash that the Southern market will justify. I can be found at A. Hall's Hotel, in Easton, where I will remain until the first day of July next. Communications addressed to me at Easton, or information given to Wm. Bell, in Cambridge, will meet with prompt attention.
I will be at John Bradshaw's Hotel, in Cambridge, every Monday. Wm. Harker.
Oct. 6, 1852.—3m
The Westminster Carroltonian, Oct. 22, 1852.:
The undersigned wishes to purchase 25 LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. All communications addressed to me in Baltimore will be punctually attended to. Lewis Winters.
Jan. 2.—tf
For Tennessee the following:
Nashville True Whig, Oct. 20th, '52:
21 likely Negroes, of different ages.
Oct. 6. A. A. McLean, Gen. Agent,
I want to purchase, immediately, a Negro man, Carpenter, and will give a good price.
Oct. 6. A. A. McLean, Gen. Agent,
Nashville Gazette, October 22:
SEVERAL likely girls from 10 to 18 years old. a woman 24, a very valuable woman 25 years old, with three very likely children.
Williams & Glover
Oct. 16th, 1852. a. b. u.
I want to purchase Twenty-five LIKELY NEGROES, between the ages of 18 and 25 years, male and female, for which I will pay the highest price in cash. A. A. McLean.
Oct. 20. Cherry Street.
The Memphis Daily Eagle and Enquirer:
We will pay the highest cash price for all good negroes offered. We invite all those having negroes for sale to call on us at our mart, opposite the lower steamboat landing. We will also have a large lot of Virginia negroes for sale in the Fall. We have as safe a jail as any in the country, where we can keep negroes safe for those that wish them kept. Bolton, Dickins & Co.
A good bargain will be given in about 400 acres of Land; 200 acres are in a fine state of cultivation, fronting the Railroad about ten miles from Memphis. Together with 18 or 20 likely negroes, consisting of men, women, boys and girls. Good time will be given on a portion of the purchase money. J. M. Provine.
Oct. 17.—1m.
Clarksville Chronicle, Dec. 3, 1852:
We wish to hire 25 good Steam Boat hands for the New Orleans and Louisville trade. We will pay very full prices for the Season, commencing about the 15th November.
McClure & Crozier, Agents
Sept. 10th, 1852.—1m S. B. Bellpoor