Page:A La California.djvu/401

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"This yere Honorable Circuit Justice's Court for Tuolumne County is adjourned for five minutes, while I lick hell out of Old Put!" roared Judge Hollowbarn, as he sprang to his feet, fairly purple in the face, and gasping for breath in his rage, shucking himself on the instant, and going for Old Put like a double-action earthquake under full headway.

Old Put, surprised by the suddenness of the demonstration, sprang for the door, dextrously throwing a chair and a three-legged stool behind, Parthian-like, as he fled, and "lit out" for home on the double-quick. One of the stools got mixed up with the Judge's legs, and they went down together. Before they could disentangle themselves and the Judge had regained his feet, his friends, who knew well enough that Put had gone after his revolver, got round him and persuaded him to let the matter rest for the moment, having amply vindicated his honor by putting his insulting adversary to ignominious flight. The Judge was fain to follow their advice, but he determined in his heart to have his revenge.

Next day he was riding across the country when he suddenly come upon Old Put mounted on horse-back like himself, and armed with a double-barreled shotgun as well as a revolver. The Judge took in the situation at a glance; there was no show for talking fight under the circumstances, but he had his legal remedy for his wrongs, and he determined to avail himself of it. Riding up to him, he demanded to know why he insulted him the day before.

"Because you deserved it, you infernal old scamp!"