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A loose Shoe—The Ute Pass—Bergens Park—A Settler's Home—Hayden's Divide—Sharp Criticism—Speaking the truth.167-192 |
XI. |
Tarryall Creek—The Red Range—Excelsior—Unfortunate Pedlars—Snow and heat—A Bison calf—Deep drifts—South Park—The Great Divide—Comanche Bill—Difficulties—Hall's Gulch—A Lord Dundreary—Ridiculous Fears192-207
XII. |
Deer Valley—Lynch law—Vigilance Committees—The Silver Spruce—Taste and abstinence—The Whisky Fiend—Smartness—Turkey Creek Canyon—The Indian Problem—Public rascality—Friendly meetings—The Way to the Golden City—A rising settlement—Clear Creek Canyon—Staging—Swearing—A mountain Town208-223
The Blight of Mining—Green Lake—Golden City—Benighted—Vertigo—Boulder Canyon—Financial straits—A hard Ride—The last Cent—A Bachelor's Home—Mountain Jim—A Surprise—A Night Arrival—Making the best of it—Scanty Fare.224-238
XIV. |
A dismal ride—A Desperado's tale—"Lost! Lost! Lost!"—Winter glories—Solitude—Hard times—Intense cold—A pack of wolves—The beaver dams—Ghostly scenes—Venison steaks—Our evenings.239-252
XV. |
A Whisky Slave—The Pleasures of Monotony—The Mountain Lion—"Another Mouth to feed"—A tiresome Boy—An Outcast—