Page:A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains (1879).djvu/285

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A Whisky Slave—The Pleasures of Monotony—The Mountain Lion—"Another Mouth to feed"—A tiresome Boy—An Outcast—Thanksgiving Day—The Newcomer—A Literary Humbug—Milking a dry Cow—Trout-fishing—A Snow-storm—A Desperado's din.

Estes Park, Sunday.

A trapper passing last night brought us the news that Mr. Nugent is ill; so, after washing up the things after our late breakfast, I rode to his cabin, but I met him in the gulch coming down to see us. He said he had caught cold on the Range, and was suffering from an old arrow wound in the lung. We had a long conversation without adverting to the former one, and he told me some of the present circumstances of his ruined life. It is piteous that a man like him, in the prime of life, should be destitute of home and love, and live a life of darkness in a den with no companions but guilty memories, and a dog which many people think is the nobler animal of the two. I urged him to give up the whisky which at present is his ruin, and his answer had the ring of a sad truth in it: "I cannot, it binds me hand and foot—I cannot give up the only pleasure I have." His