Page:A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury.pdf/24

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Notice of the Career of Maury's eldest brother—His Life in the Navy—He is left on the Marquesas Islands for two years—He is taken on board the ship 'Essex' by Commodore Porter—Capture of the 'Essex' at Valparaiso—At the Battle of Lake Champlain—Dies at Sea—Matthew receives a Midshipman's Warrant—His Journey to take up his appointment—Adventures and entertainment by relations—Meets his future wife—Her parentage—Cruise on board the 'Brandywine'—Cruise in the 'Vincennes'—Visits the Marquesas—Passes his Examination—Buys a little seal for his sweetheart.

John Minor Maury, Matthew's eldest brother, entered the Navy of the United States as midshipman when thirteen years old, and became one of the most distinguished young officers of his time. His whole professional career was one of active service and romantic adventure.

Just before the last war between the United States and England, John Maury procured a furlough, and went as first officer of a merchant ship, which had been chartered by Captain William Lewis of the United States Navy, who commanded her. They sailed on a trading voyage to China. Arriving at the Island of Nukahiva, one of the Marquesas group, Captain Lewis left Maury and six men there to procure sandalwood and other articles of trade, for which the ship would touch on her return from China. The war with England broke out. English ships blockaded the American ships in the Chinese ports, and no relief came to Lieutenant John Maury and his men for two years. It had, meantime, gone hard with them.

There were two tribes on that island hostile to each other, a volcanic ridge dividing them. The king of the tribe with whom the Americans made their home was friendly and true