Page:A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury.pdf/297

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"Resolved—That this Chamber of Commerce, approving the general system of international meteorological observations and crop reports as set forth by Commander Maury, do appoint a committee of three, consisting of the President and first and second Vice-Presidents, to petition the President of the United States to take early measures to call the attention of other nations to this subject, and thereby bring about a meeting of the leading meteorologists of different nations, so as to devise a uniform system of observation and crop reports, and ensure their publication for the benefit of commerce and agriculture throughout the whole world"

The resolution was unanimously adopted.

In his enthusiastic pursuit of this favourite scheme of crop and weather forecasts for the farmers, and by an extended and exhausting lecturing tour once more to urge this subject upon the farmers, in the autumn of 1872, Maury overtaxed his strength and brought on a return of an old disorder (gout in the stomach), from which he never rallied.

At the National Agricultural Congress held in St. Louis in October, 1872, he again strongly urged the importance of an an "International Conference" between the leading agriculturists and meteorologists of all countries. Looking to the definite organization of a system of crop and weather forecasts, he pointed out the approval which it had received from the most eminent men of science in the world, and the benefits which would immediately accrue from it, and, while regretting the indifference of the Federal authorities, he urged the farmers to use their influence in its favour, in their several States. "Private interest," said he, "in this matter, I have none; the success of the scheme will benefit all of you more than its projector. I am under the ban of the Nation and can hold no office in it, either State or Federal. The moment the Government takes hold of it, my association with it ceases. I cannot share in the honour of helping to organize or of