Page:A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury.pdf/84

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new routes on the ocean, pointed out by Superintendent Maury of the Observatory on his Wind and Current Charts, and collecting information to enable him to perfect these charts. After the return of the brig 'Dolphin', as already mentioned, she was fitted out and detailed on this service under the command of Lieutenant S. P. Lee, an officer of great experience and intelligence as a surveyor and hydrographer, and interesting and valuable results are expected from this cruise."

And from same Report later on:—

"The Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office [has? being one] been in active and vigorous operation during the year. A second volume of the Astronomical Observations has been published, and already laid before you. The Wind and Current Charts, planned by Lieutenant Maury, the Superintendent of the Observatory, and prosecuted under his direction with much industry, are being extended to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This work is viewed with great interest and satisfaction."

Report of Mr. C. Dobbin, Secretary to the Navy, Extract,
Dec. 3rd, 1855.

"Gratifying evidences of the high estimation in which the labours of the Naval Observatory are held at home and abroad continue to be received. Several new sheets of the Wind and Current Charts, and an enlarged edition of the Sailing Directions which accompany them, have been published during the year. The usefulness of this work expands with its enlargement. Other maritime nations, appreciating the value of this plan of investigation, have united in a common system of observations for its further prosecution. It is earnestly suggested by Lieutenant Maury that this