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Page:A Mainsail Haul - Masefield - 1913.djvu/98

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manly resolution of sea-faring men." When he was a boy he shipped himself to sea, to scrub the cans in the galley, to say his compass to the boatswain, and to be whipped at the capstan every Monday morning, so that his ship might have a fair wind. When he grew older, he took his share in the work aloft, and learned how to point and parcel, how to hold his own in a forecastle, and how to load and fire a great gun. "I grew," he says, "to beare the name of a skilful marriner.... I grew ambitious straight, to have a whole com-

    that part of it which relates to our hero. (2) The documents in the Record Office (Cal. S. P. Dom. 1603-10; S. P. Venetian, 1607-10, and (especially) Irish Series, 1608-10). An entry in the Stationers' Register mentions a poem by Jennings. The entry runs:

    19no Marcij [1610-1]

    Richard Jones Entred for his Copyes,

    Captayne Jenninges his songe, whiche
    he made in the Marshalsey and songe a
    little before his death. Item the second
    parte of the "George Aloo" and the
    "Swiftestake" (Sweepstake) beinge both

    Both poems appear to have perished. The first part of the second ballad, "The George Aloe (of Looe) and the Sweepstake, too" (quoted in "Two Noble Kinsmen"), may be seen in Professor Child's "English and Scottish Popular Ballads," vol. v, p. 133, 4, 5.