ᠰᠠᡳᠨ ᡨᡝᠮᡝ ᠵᠠᠪᡩᡠᡥᠠ ᡠᠪᠠᡩᡝ ᡝᠮᡠ ᠨᡳᡴᡝᡵᡝ ᠪᠠᠪᡳ ᠪᠣᠣᡳ ᡠᡵᠰᡝ ᠠᠪᠠ
ᠶᠠᡥᠠ ᡤᠠᠵᡠ ᠠᡤᡝ ᠪᡳ ᡩᠠᠮᠪᠠᡤᡠ ᠣᠮᡳᡵᠠᡴᡡ ᠠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡠᡵᡠᡤᠠᡥᠠᠪᡳ ᡨᡠᡨᡨᡠ
ᠣᠴᡳ ᠴᠠᡳ ᡤᠠᠨᠠ ᠠᡤᡝ ᠴᠠᡳ ᡤᠠᡳᠰᡠ ᡴᠣ ᠠᠪᠰᡳ ᡥᠠᠯᡥᡡᠨ ᡥᠠᠯᡥᡡᠨ ᠣᠴᡳ
ᠮᠠᠵᡳᡤᡝ ᡨᡠᡴᡳᠶᡝᠴᡝᠪᡠ ᡥᡡᠸᠠᠩᡤᡳᠶᠠᡵᠠᡴᡡ ᠮᡠᡴᡳᠶᡝᠪᡠᡴᡳᠨᡳ ᠵᡝ ᠪᡠᡩᠠ ᠪᡝ ᡨᡠᠸᠠᠨᠠ
Junior. I have got a seat, thank you; and a seat with a back to it.
Senior. Here! bring a light!
Junior. Not for me, thank you, sir, I can’t smoke; I have a sore mouth.
Senior. Well, then, bring some tea.
Junior. Drink first, then, pray. Oh, isn’t it hot.
Senior. If it is too hot, let it be taken away for a while, that it may get cooler. I am very sorry. Boy, go and see what there is in the kitchen,
- sain
- good
- teme
- Inf. (3) of tembi to sit
- jabduha
- Pre. (4) of jabdumbi to reach one’s aim
- ubade
- here
- emu
- one
- nikere
- Fut. Partic. (5) of nikembi to lean against
- babi
- place (ba) is (bi)
- booi
- house, with genitive affix i
- urse
- those who
- aba
- how?
- yaha
- coal
- gaju
- Imp. (1) of gajimbi to fetch
- age
- elder brother, sir
- bi
- I
- dambagu
- tobacco
- omirakū
- Fut. (5) of omimbi to eat, to smoke, with akū not
- angga
- mouth
- furugahabi
- to have ulcers in the mouth
- tuttu
- thus
- oci
- Cond. (6) of ombi to be
- cai
- tea
- gana
- Imp. (1) of ganambi to bring
- age
- elder brother, sir
- cai
- tea
- gaisu
- Imp. (1) of gaimbi to take
- ko
- oh, exclamation of pain
- absi
- how?
- halhūn
- hot
- halhūn
- hot
- oci
- Cond. (6) of ombi to be
- majige
- little
- tukiyecebu
- Imp. (1) of tukiyecebumbi to take away
- hūwanggiyarakū
- it does not signify
- mukiyebukini
- Opt. (15) of mukiyebumbi to become cool
- je
- exclamation of compassion
- buda
- rice
- be
- accusative affix
- tuwana
- Imp. (1) of tuwanambi to go and look after