Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/19

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the N. A.— Who?, Which one?, 俤一隻 diê siŏh ciáh? Which Bible?, 俤一本聖經 diê siŏh buōng Séng-Gĭng? In asking after a person, however, we use 俤𠆧 diê nè̤ng? who?

3. The N. A. is used with the Demonstrative Pronouns "this" and "that" as follows;— This thing is mine, 只一件乇是儂家其 cī siŏh iông nó̤h sê nè̤ng-gă gì. That chair is his, 許一張椅是伊其 hṳ̄ siŏh tiŏng sê ĭ gì.

4. The N. A. is also used with "how many?" when represented by 幾 gūi. How many words? 箬壤字 niŏh-uâi cê?

5. The Possessive Case of 俤𠆧 diê nè̤ng, and 俤一隻 diê siŏh ciáh, is formed by the addition of 其 . Whose is this Bible? 只一本聖經是俤𠆧其 cī siŏh buōng Séng-Gĭng sê diê nè̤ng gì.

6. 者 Ciā and 那 hiā are forms of the Demonstrative pronoun "this" and "that" used directly with the noun, without the N. A. This money is mine, 者錢是儂家其 ciā cièng sê nè̤ng-gă gì. Those books are his, 那書是伊其 hiā cṳ̆ sê ĭ gì. Ciā and hiā can be applied to a number of articles considered collectively as forming a unit. How much are these books a volume? 者書箬讓錢一本 ciā cṳ̆ niŏh-uâi cièng siŏh buōng?

7. "Where" begins the sentence in which it is found, in English; in Chinese it is placed at the end. Where is the child? 伲仔着冬那 niê-giāng diŏh dĕ̤ng-nē̤?


muōng: just, merely, you had better, you can
káh-dáing: inn

ŭng-dìng: dust
tĭ-tṳ̆-măng: cobwebs
chāu-iēu: to bother, annoy