Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/38

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鹹 gèng
salt (flavour)
餐 ciāng
鮮 chiĕng
房裏 bùng-dīe
和和熱 huò-huò-iĕk
去循環 kó̤ sùng-kùang
to go on circuit, itinerate
洗身湯 sā̤-sĭng-tŏng
bath water
飯廳 buông-tiăng

Translate into English:—

  1. Ĭ lì lāu muôi?
  2. Siông-Dá̤ chă̤-kiēng Géu-Ciō lì.
  3. Cuòi ô dâng mò̤? Mò̤ dâng.
  4. Hṳ̄ siŏh-guó uâ, nṳ̄ gōng dék kák ká̤.
  5. Ĭ kiè lè̤ diōng kó̤.
  6. Ĭ mâ̤ giàng diōng lì.
  7. Ĭ gì uâ sê lê-hâi, nâ ĭ gì é-sé̤ṳ hê hō̤.
  8. Ciā tŏng kák ciāng. Nè̤ng-gă ó̤i-dĭh siŏh-dĕk-giāng sièng.
  9. Hṳ̄ siŏh cê siā uòng lāu, kī-daê̤ng nṳ̄ dò̤ cṳ̆ gáu nè̤ng-gă cŭ-nái.
  10. Cī siŏh guó uâ ô dâng.
  11. Dò̤ siŏh-dék-giāng gūng-tŏng lì páu dà.
  12. Chiāng nṳ̄ sĕng kó̤ tŭng-dĭ ĭ, nè̤ng-gă cêu lì.
  13. Nṳ̄ giàng kák mâing, giàng ká̤ siŏh-dék-giāng.
  14. Tòng sê diĕng.
  15. Nṳ̆k-tŏng sê gèng.
  16. Nè̤ng-gă ô siŏh-dék-giāng ngê-lè̤ng. Kī-daê̤ng nṳ̄ gōng uâ mâing siŏh-dék-giāng.

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. Where was this bought?
  2. It was bought outside the city.
  3. Why did you not buy it inside the city?
  4. Tell him to come back.
  5. He can lift it.
  6. Please bring me a little hot water. Not too hot, tepid wil ldo.
  7. I want to say two Chinese sentences. Will you kindly listen, sir, and tell me if they are correct.
  8. There were hundreds of people in the street listening to him preach.
  9. I have heard him speak Chinese. He speaks fluently.
  10. I have ridden a donkey, and travelled by boat, but have not yet ridden in a sedan chair.
  11. He has not got up yet. His mother says he is ill.
  12. When you return, please take your elder brother’s book with you.
  13. Tell him to get up and take this box away.
  14. This bath water is too cold, bring a little boiling water.
  15. When you have finished talking, kindly listen to me.