Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/4

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This work is an attempt to apply to the teaching of the Foochow Dialect the principles adopted in the Primer of the Mandarin Dialect, written by Rev. F. W. Baller of the China Inland Mission. Mr. Baller's Primer has been the model throughout, and in most places it has been very closely followed. At times, on account of the idiom of the Foochow Dialect differing extensively from the Mandarin idiom, it has been necessary to leave the original plan, but on the whole the book may be spoken of as a "Foochow Baller", which, in the minds of those who have used the well known Mandarin Primer, is certainly a term of respect.

For the study of the Foochow Dialect to the present time, three books have been in use. There is first of all, the Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect, by Maclay and Baldwin, a most valuable work. Then there is Dr. Adam's English-Chinese Dictionary, which also student of the Foochow Dialect should have. There is also the Manual of the Foochow Dialect. Its chapters on the use of the Numerary Adjunct, and on the Comparison of Adjectives are really very fine, and the Table of Tones in Combination, found at the end of the Book, is an absolute necessity to the acquirement of correct ways of pronunciation.

In the making of this Primer much help has been received from various sources, for which proper acknowledgement should be made.

First of all we are greatly obliged to the Rev. F. W. Baller for allowing us to make such use of his Primer as the model upon which this is based. Mr. Baller has expressed his great pleasure that such a use should be made of his work.

We are also indebted to the Manual of the Foochow Dialect for the Table of Tones in Combination, and for much of the matter found in the Lessons upon the use of the Numerary Adjunct and the Comparison of Adjectives.

Several Missionaries have given us valuable help and criticisms. Among these are the Rev. H. R. Caldwell of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, and Miss Hartwell of the American Board Mission.