Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/43

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涼 liòng
生醭 săng pū
退色 tó̤i saík
to fade as colours
客廳 káh-tiăng
reception room
刣 tài
to peel a pumelo; to kill
豫備 ê̤ṳ-bê
to prepare
透日 táu-nĭk
the whole day
免的 miēng-dék

Translate into English:—

  1. Cuòi sê diê-nè̤ng có̤ gì?
  2. Màng-nièng săng-miéh-sék?
  3. Dái lâng-tiŏng cāi lì.
  4. Cĭ siŏh-dó̤i siŏh-tàu kák duâi; mâ̤-sāi-dék.
  5. Ciā ĭ-siòng săng-pū; ô nĭk tàu gì sì-hâiu muōng dò̤ kó̤ puŏh.
  6. È̤ng gì buó ng tĕ̤ng puŏh, diŏh liàng, miēng-dék è̤ng sáik tó̤i-kó̤.
  7. Cī siŏh-ciáh niê-giāng mâ̤ giàng diô; kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄ mâi ĭ kó̤.
  8. Ciā siŏng siŏh-ciáh nè̤ng dăng mâ̤ kī.
  9. Cī siŏh-bā dŏ̤ mâ̤ lê.
  10. Ciā dà-bò̤ cêng gói.
  11. Chāng diē-lì sô̤i; mŏ̤h gṳ̆.
  12. Ĭ siŏh-nĭk â̤ dăng niŏh-uâi dáng gì cūi? Sĕk-lĕ̤k dáng.
  13. Só̤h-nĭk nè̤ng-gă mā̤ siŏh-lăk gì pău. Nù-gáuk-nè̤ng dò̤ tài kó̤ siăh.
  14. Nguŏk-siēu ô nê-sĕk-gāu nĭk. Nguŏk-duâi ô săng-sĕk nĭk.
  15. Nè̤ng-gă mìng-dáng â-dáu săng-dēng-cṳ̆ng lŏ̤h sùng.

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. He goes quickly.
  2. These are the two large books that he bought.
  3. Carry away these two boxes.
  4. Tell the cook to make bread to-day, I must start tomorrow.
  5. Where are you going? Round the district.
  6. When will you return? In a few days.
  7. You must wash those clothes to-day. Here is soap.
  8. Please, teacher, come a little earlier tomorrow. I want to study three or four hymns.
  9. I bought these things outside the city. Are they dear?
  10. I will pour out the tea myself. When we have finished drinking tea, wash the tea-pot and bring it to me here.
  11. Where are you going next year?
  12. Last year I sold my horse and bought a donkey.
  13. When did you arrive? Yesterday.
  14. What is your honourable name? My unworthy name is Li.
  15. You must buy mandarin oranges. The coolie oranges are too dear.