Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/50

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to borrow money, 伊來借錢 ĭ lì cióh cièng. Please lend me a dollar, 請獲一塊錢借奴 Chiāng hĕk siŏh-dó̤i cièng cióh nù.

9. 討 Tō̤ has also the twofold meaning of “seek” and “find”. I will go and look for him, 儂家去討伊 Nè̤ng-gă kó̤ tō̤ ĭ. Can you find it? 汝⿰亻鞋討的着賣 Nṳ̄ ṳ̂ tō̤-dék diŏh mâ̤? I have found it, 討着了 Tō̤-diŏh lāu.

10. The Chinese language is rich in words meaning “all” 都 has the special function of summarising all that goes before it. His friends are all here, 伊其朋友都着只塊 ĭ gì bèng-iū dŭ diŏh cŭ-úai. None of them will come, 伊各𠆧都伓肯來 ĭ gáuk-nè̤ng dŭ ng kīng lì.

11. “Each” “every” “different”, words which individualise things are expressed by 各 gáuk or by the repetition of the N. A. belonging to the noun. Each person has a Bible, 各𠆧都務聖經 Gáuk-nè̤ng dŭ ô Séng Gĭng. He has every one of his things, 件件其乇伊都務 Iông iông gì nó̤h ĭ dŭ ô. You must wash each of these articles of clothing, 者衣裳件件都着洗 Ciā ĭ-siòng iông iông dŭ diŏh sā̤.

12. 着 Diŏh placed before the verb, indicates the Imperative Mood. You must go there today, 汝今旦着去許邊 Nṳ̄ gĭng-dáng diŏh kó̤ hṳ̄-bĕng.

13. 毛世乇 Mò̤ sié-nó̤h can be used as the equivalent of “not many” “not much”. He has not much money, 伊毛世乇錢 ĭ mò̤ sié-nó̤h cièng. It is not of much importance, 毛世乇要緊 Mò̤ sié-nó̤h iéu-gīng.

14. Another expression meaning “all”, very frequently used, is lūng-cūng. This carries the meaning of “everyone”, “the whole”.