Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/55

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similar use of, 一滴仔 siŏh-dék-giāng a little. This teapot is a little more expensive. 只一隻茶婆貴一滴仔 Cí siŏh-ciáh dà-bò̤ gó̤i siŏh-dék-giāng. Examples: This is better than that, 只一隻贏去許一隻 Ci siŏh-ciáh iàng-kó̤ hṳ̈ siŏh-ciáh. He is more accustomed to it now, 伊現在故熟 ĭ hiêng-cûi gó sṳ̆k. This water is deep, that is deeper. 者水深那水故深 Ciā cūi chĭng, hiā cūi gó chĭng.

10. Two comparatives are sometimes used together. In this case 越 uŏk and 莽 muōng are used before the adjectives. The more horses the better, 馬越⿰亻西越好 Mä uŏk sâ̤ uŏk hō̤. The larger the worse, 莽大莽平正 Muōng duâi muōng bàng-ciáng.

11. “According to this”, “as this is so”, is expressed by 學將換 ŏ̤h ciŏng uâng. According to this, the book is not mine, 學將換者書伓是儂家其 ŏ̤h ciŏng uâng ciā cṳ̆ ng sê nè̤ng-gă gì.


米 mī
uncooked rice
糴米 diăh mī
to buy rice
dōng buó
buy to cloth
布簾 buó-lièng
唯獨 mì-dŭk
啜 chióh
to drink
堅固 giĕng-gó
safe, stable, firm
記念 gé-niêng
to remember
客調 káh-dièu
to play
𠆧仔 nè̤ng-giāng
便了 biêng-laū
ready prepared

Translate into English:—

  1. Giéu ī cā siŏh-dék-giāng lì.
  2. Ĭ lì gì sì-hâiu nè̤ng-gă mâ̤-gé dék-kó̤.
  3. Gĭng-nièng-màng gì dà-niŏh bī kó̤-nièng-màng gì gó hō̤.
  4. Séng Gĭng gì dô̤-lī ĭ mâ̤ sṳ̆k.
  5. Hiā lâng-ciáh nè̤ng gōng huò lāu.
  6. Baí Siông-Dá̤ bī baí bù-sák hō̤-dék uâng-