Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/59

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He will need three days to make that box, 伊欲三日做一隻其箱 ĭ ó̤i săng nĭk có̤ siŏh-ciáh gì siŏng. It will not take three days, 伓駛三日 ng sāi săng nĭk.

7. To denote the instrument with which an action was done, the words 用 ê̤ṳng, 掏 dò̤, and 拈 niĕng are used. Write it with a Chinese pencil. 拈中國其筆寫 Niĕng Dṳ̆ng-gúok gì bék siā. Build it with stone, 掏石頭砌 dò̤ siŏh-tàu liē.

NOTE. Care must be taken to distinguish between the Chinese words meaning “old”, 佬 lâu is used for living things, and 舊 for inanimate objects:— That old man’s clothes are old. 那佬𠆧其衣裳是舊其 Hiā lâu nè̤ng gì ĭ-siòng sê gô-gì.


辛苦 sĭng-kū
厭氣 iéng-ké
to reject
雞蛋糕 giĕ-laûng-gŏ̤
看輕 káng-kĭng
to undervalue
解 gā̤
to unloose, unbind
濫 lâng
源頭 nguòng-tàu
客調其乇 káh-dièu gì-nó̤h
抱 bô̤
to nurse a child
血 haík
筒 dè̤ng
a pipe
學問 hŏk-ông

Translate into English;—

  1. Cuòi mâ̤ hăk nù gì é-sé̤ṳ.
  2. Gā sìng cêng sâ̤.
  3. Ĭ gì nièng-gī cêng kĭng.
  4. Gĭng-dáng dâung ṳ̄.
  5. Ciŏng muòng tiāng kŭi.
  6. Séng Ià-Sŭ gì nè̤ng ô sĕk-ciòng gì bìng-ăng.
  7. Ciā uâ gōng cêng hō̤.
  8. Ô dâung-ṳ̄ nâ nè̤ng-gă gì ĭ-siòng mò̤ sié-nóh lâng.
  9. Cêng sâ̤ gĕ̤ng gì nguòng-tàu sê diŏh gèng săng lā̤.
  10. Nṳ̄ ciŏng-gì káng-kĭng ĭ gì hŏk-ông nì?
  11. Nòng-nā̤ diŏh bùng-diē, Gĭng-dáng dâi-gié cêng sâ̤.
  12. Ng tĕ̤ng mâ-gé-dék nù.
  13. Ng tĕ̤ng muóng hṳ̄ siŏh-ciáh lâu sĭng-săng gūi-